Native American Peoples DLC

Mas e voce? Qual sua opiniao sobre adicionar civilizaçoes da america do norte e america do sul? Adiciinaria alguma? Ou tambem acredita que deveriam ficar apenas no age3? Se nao qual seria as civilizaçoes norteamericanas ou da america latina (do sul) que voce adicionaria?

Anyway, Bing does the translation


J’ai déjà exprimé mon opinion là dessus ici : ces civilisations sont pour AOE3, pas pour AOE2. Les futures extensions devraient être en Europe, Asie et Afrique, alors que l’Amérique était trop isolée.

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Mesmo assim. Muito obrigado por ajudar com essa ferramenta que eu desconhecia. Me judara muito a se comunicar melhor futuramente.

Fala em português mesmo. Acho que o tradutor automático do fórum é bom o suficiente.

(Eu sou brasileiro, só pra clarificar).

Eu só falo português (e inglês), mas consigo entender todos esses idiomas relativamente bem, pelo menos em texto.

Não consigo sugerir civs específicas, mas eu gostaria de mais uma pra américa central e duas pra américa do sul. Acho que Tupis poderiam funcionar exceto que eu não sei qual poderia ser a maravilha deles. kkkk

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Tupi Wonder could be themed after Kuhikugu, although if you ask me Kuikuro themselves should be the AoE2 civ for the Brazil area since they are by far the most advanced civilization that emerged out of the Amazon.

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I see, I never heard of them (though I did know about Xingu Valley).

Se voce esta querendo se referir ao meu erro de portugues. Quando estava respondendo estava no onibus e nao me atentei para erro de portugues.

Não tinha reparado, só tava falando que tu não precisa tentar falar inglês. :laughing:

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Entao. Eu reparei so agora tambem. Escrevendo na pressa. Mas bom que me apresentaram a ferramenta do proprio forum que facilita a comunicaçao.

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Looking at how official civis are most of the time inspired by old mods perhaps american world mod could be the next inspiration?

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God I sure hope not.

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Do you not like it?

[Never played it]

I know they have the Aztec in it’s decline, but it would be so cool if they made the story of the Mexica. The last tribe to arrive from the North. The other 11 tribes were already settled in the region. They had to settle in an area filled with venomous snakes. Learned to settle in areas that were once thought impossible to settle in. Made farms on top of water (unheard of). Had to pay heavy tributes until they teamed up with 2 other tribes to make the triple alliance. They went from the smallest tribe in the land to forming a mighty empire that was only brought down thanks to gunpowder technology.
Ancient Missisipi would be super dope but I don’t know much about them.
Finally the first empire to build a pyramid in America was the Caral-Supe.
Maybe the Apaches, Yaqui (I have a bit of Yaqui blood mixed with Spanish and German), Great plains, The inuit, The Cherokee, Machu Pichu, The Haudenosaunee confederacy (One of the oldest surviving democracies in the world), The Navajo.
So much wealth of information lost to the sands of time.

My brother in Christ Machu Picchu is a random Inca city in a mountain and Great Plains is a geographic area in North America, what are you talking about.


The Missippians were the Aztecs of North America (big pyramids and human sacrifices)…

Too very late…the most famous Apache and Navajo Wars were in the 19th century…i’m fine with the Haudenosaunee (but in a very stretch way)…

Depending on what you consider Mexico a part of, Aztecs are already the Aztecs of North America.

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Like how machu pichu was built. In the AOE2 rise of egypt campaign you see how the first pyramids were built

Mexico is part of North America. When it comes to other nations we in the US are uneducated. Also you say it like the old world wasn’t full of sacrifices.
We like to word things like if others did worse. For example, the Spanish Inquisition wasn’t nearly as brutal as the English inquisition who went on a witch hunting spree. But in the game the Spanish have the Inquisition tech.
Inquisition started in 1553 under England. It wasn’t started by the Spanish until 1588, but it is grossly attributed to Spain.
We are just really ignorant.

I think you’ve got things a bit muddled here. In England, you’re presumably thinking of the Marian persecutions – executions of heretics, generally Protestants (not witches), during the reign of Mary I. That’s sometimes referred to as the English Inquisition. The number of executions was apparently about 300. Witch hunting in England mostly came later, and was not done under an official body.

Most of my knowledge of the Spanish Inquisition comes from Monty Python, but Wikipedia tells me it was founded in 1478, and probably executed about 3000-4000 people.