Relic, World’s Edge, anyone really who has their hands on this thing.
I don’t necessarily blame players for these statements mind you. All players can do is guess what is happening on the other end. Of course there will be blind accusations from all angles; we are literally left out in the dark. We lost our community managers years ago.
I happen to think the game is doing great, but can see far more potential if it was only tapped. Communication is likely a bridge they will never rebuild, my guess being that multiple companies being codependent on contractual development has made it a tangled mess to produce any meaningful statements from independent or whole departments, pushing it all onto seasonal patch notes when each cycle has properly delivered a product.
It probably would be a lose-lose situation anyhow unfortunately. I think we can all agree we would like them to do more things, so if they started communicating more and just stated that they are actively trying then no one would be satisfied, as currently is the case. The opposite would be equally devastating, who in their right might would openly state they cba doing more for the game?
If anything, the best thing they could is keep us less in the dark about the future. I don’t think our community quite deserves weekly or even monthly contact with developers, seeing as posts like this are always wildly circulating and demanding absolutely minor and meaningless balance changes. Instead, I think it would be good for us to at least be told about upcoming expansions, or longterm plans rather than leave them as surprises.
Why? AoE4 is a good game. We know it is. However, if you leave the whole future of this game a mystery, it just doesn’t bode well about imagining a future between patches. We clearly are able to assume more content is coming; but, why not just tell us? If we knew they were working on a new DLC, modding and casting tools, on graphics additions and more seasonal events, that’d be great for making it appear like this game is truly thriving.
Instead, each patch drop makes us feel like we’re standing on the edge of a cliff. That is to say, the last patch did try to vaguely hint towards a future… Something about something in 2025. While this is nice, be more specific for christ’s sake. Whatever negatives there are to this will surely be made up for a hundred times over by ensuring this game has a future with a statement of actual intent.
The way they are currently presenting and delivering content reminds me of games whose content can be played in a few short hours, and whose developers randomly drop patches to “bring you back” to it. AoE4 isn’t that type of game, and instead, they should aim towards making us stay by engaging and showing that there is something ahead.