title says it all nerf combat healing that shouldnt even be a thing in a game like this, i wasnt aware i was playing a orc/elf fantasy game with healers like warcraft.
Having a monk convert several units in area with the relic in hand doesn’t look very realistic either, but it’s a fun mechanic for many players.
I would leave the historical accuracy for the aesthetics and naming of units, buildings and even technologies, but I would not take away creative freedom for there to be a Gameplay that, as long as it is not too exaggerated, can have a bit of fiction.
The healing rate is a base of 7hp per second and in combat is reduced to 3.5hp per second. A reduction of 50% is already pretty significant, any more and it makes bringing religious units with the army purposeless. I don’t think they’ll remove combat healing since many civs are designed around bringing religious units with the main battle force, it would change core elements of some civs.