Nerf elephants/pro scouts

I know that they are developing a dlc, but its unbelivable that they cannot relise a hotfix to balance this mecánics a little more. Instead we need to wait 3/4 months with the game like this. You should have a little team to release somo hotfix along the way guys!


I like the idea of hot fixes being more frequent. I’m not a fan of pro scouts or elephants in late game either. They don’t feel well tuned, a bit IMBA. However, I am concerned changes to gameplay happening quickly may make more issues.

Maybe it’s because we haven’t seen that in this game for years, and I’m just worried about the growing pains that would come with that. Personally, I think taking time to collect data helps to understand the trends that go along with an elephant/pro scouts focused meta.

3-4 months is a bit excessive though.

pro scout is fine as it is. if things start to get way too monotome, then they would just need to slightly make the scouts slower when carrying carcasses or make the tech take a bit longer to research. if they start making it cost more or revert it as it was, it will just make it useless again.

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Exactly thats why i say nerf. They need to do something about it bc right now it seems the only way to go. In my case for example i’ve been able to archive my highest rank ever, simply bc if i go pro scouts and the other player is not, its like playing with someone that has <3 ranks honestly. And elephants are a joke, anothet thing that i cannot understand why they don’t adress, when basically everyone is complaning about it.

So they teased something about this on the official discord:

I’m hoping they patch pro scouts as well, at >1400 mmr I haven’t played many games without someone going for it. You’re right about needing it to win, it requires the opponent misplaying for me to win without contesting deer using pro scouts myself.

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Pro scout need to be removed or it should make the scouts gather food from hunts at very slow rate without needing a drop off point.
For elephants just give ranged elephants heavy tag so crossbows can deal extra damage to them.

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Hold on
The season is ending soon!

I think that automatically dropping carcass should be no more, plus making the scout even more slower while carrying the carcass. That should help a lot in countergame

Pro scout isn’t too strong, its just overhyped and trendy. 2nd tc usually beat pro scout in long term. At least at diamond rank, i almost never go pro scout. Many civs don’t have advantage to go for it. It’s mostly just for French / Mongol that it’s very good.

Elephant just need an additional counter, and i think Springald would work well as they are under-used. Just add bonus damage to speongald vs elephant.