I was checking a replay and this French player sent a huge cavalry to my city, my city had 2 fortresses, 6 towers and that Chinese landmark at the gate that fires rockets. And this guy didn’t even look at what was happening, he sent his cavalry back to defend his trade route that was being attacked. I noticed that almost all of his knights returned with half their health leaving my base and during the journey until he reached the trade route this cavalry was healing itself quickly. He made a mistake and was not punished for that mistake.
So I came to that obvious conclusion that playing as France or England the players don’t need to have fingers, they don’t need to have a brain, they don’t need strategy… the game is ridiculously easy, one of them has the super heavy cavalry in era 2 that heals itself and the other has the King who heals the army.
And the game didn’t fix that wrong update that no longer has weapons that work as anti-siege, so it’s very easy to defend yourself with archers, while at the same time the players now only play with cavalry and ranged units.
The ideal would be for the library to be fair in era 4 and grant infantry good upgrades. Because the lasted upgrade only benefits France and England.
But… since, even without rational reasons, many players want cavalry with an extra bonus. What the game could do is make some civilizations specialized in infantry.
I believe that the HRE, Greeks, Ottomans and Chinese should have infantry and special upgrades in the imperial era and this way the game would be more balanced and fun.
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