In my time around searching on the wiki I recall seeing an exception on how Mayans can’t make Xolotl Warriors due to not being able to build Stables nor research Redemption. The exception being on Mega Random if you happen to start with a Stable.
Thinking about it, it must really stink for the american civs to be on a map and being effectively down 175W compared to a non-American Civ between Feudal Age to Castle Age due to not being able to create any unit with it, so and I propose a new special building:
the Corral (or if someone has a better name/idea). A building that doesn’t do anything until Castle Age where it turns into a regular stable. Making the Asset will arguebly not be difficult at all as you can very easily create it from existing assets (Fences + Horses + Misc)
Example of things I found in the editor that can be used.
This is a very specific circumstance and I’m not calling for a completely new building for just re-balancing the very small possibility that you get stomped on Mega Random Mayans vs Franks or something like that.
I have something more in mind of a new Random map with one of these to each player. This opens up the possibility of Xolotls being a real factor in said Random map, similiar to how the map Marketplace realistically allows for Trade in a 1v1. A map with this could also make interesting playstyles even discounting the Xolotl Warrior such as:
Ethiopians, Byzantines and Saracens can fully focus on archers in Feudal Age knowing they get easy access to strong camels in Castle Age.
Archer civs having Knights easily available to defend against a siege+monk push.
Flank Civs going for Cavalry Archers earlier in a Team Games due to easy access to Bloodlines and Husbandry.
Malay pulling off a serious Knight Rush and usual Cav civs more potent Knight Rushes.
Better yet is that all of this takes place on a map/maps isolated from the regular META, allowing for slightly different type of gameplay during staler periods between blance-patches, rotating this/these maps in or out of the map pool.
The Corral itself can also be adjusted in various ways:
It’s HP and Armor, being frail could make it an objective of attack/defense during Feudal Age.
In front/behind or distance from starting TC (Technically a Map Generation thing).
Requiring or not Requiring a Barracks in order to turn into a Stable.
Not counting or counting as a Feudal Age building as a requirement to advance to Castle Age.
Whether it cannot or can research Bloodlines in the Feudal Age.
The random map itself can be balancing factor to this building type (technically the other way round) by promoting Archer or Cavalry by being a Closed or Open Map to accomodate easier cav use in Castle Age.