New civ?

It’s not a vassal state, it’s a Tribute
The term “vassal state” is a controversial expression for many Asian countries that have sent tributes to China.

The Tributary system of China is a different concept from that of the European vassal state.

anyway, I think so it is the right opinion that Korean is unfit to be added.

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那麼我認為 教宗國( Papacy)、美國(United States)、瑞典( Sweden)、奧地利(Austrian)、薩法維王朝(Safavid Empire)、印加(Inca Empire),是值得加入的。


Well, it took some time to check the history,
So I think the Papacy, the United States, Sweden , Austria,
Safavid Empire, and the Inca Empire are worth joining.

There is a Mediterranean style, a Western European style, two continental styles, an Asian style, and the last one is the American style.

Switzerland ?
or do you mean Sweden?

Sweden 瑞典


I typed too fast and made a mistake. Their first Chinese word is the same …

if there’s any, I think the most realistic are Korea, Inca, and a European civ (Austria seems most likely but could also be a Scandinavian country or Italy) - this means they’d add a native civ, an Asian civ and a European civ.

USA wouldn’t really make sense in the context of the game but I could see them doing it for the marketing lol

Need Han Chinese (Ming Dynasty)

we already have china in game, the game does not depict different dynasties but only groups of people.


aoe3’s era is about colonialism(1600-1800)
but ming dynasty destroyed at 1662?

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I believe he doesn’t wanna increase a new civil, just wanna fix the mistake.
The Asian Dynasty official propaganda says chinese in 15 century, Japanese in 17 century and india in 19 century. And the chinese campaign also happened in 15 century. 15 century exactly is Ming Dynasty in china. I guss they mix 15~17 century up.
I prefer to say it’s a group of people, but not a single dynasty. Or else the history problem are too much to play.


japan is 15th century to early 16th as you lead as Tokugawa Ieyasu, at the height of the Sengoku Jedai.

yes, they can win manchu but they have Internal battle( Wu Sangui).

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so the problem is the official propaganda says Japan is 17th, but what in the game is 15~16th(you just said), isn’t it a mistake? the same thing happen in chinese.the official says chinese is 15th, but what in the game is the mixture of 14th to 17th. I have said unless seem these civils as a group of people, or else the mistakes are too much to play.

Personally, I would like to see Sandy Petersen’s AoE 3 vision completed.


Ideally I’d like to see everything that was added in the Napoleonic era mod:

Which is possible since the dev is now working for MS I think.


That would be awesome

How does Austria fit the game then? I much more prefer like asian dynasties and warchiefs 3 new unique civs from a new continent, which leads to africa which perfectly fits the theme.

Austria didnt colonize even when they had the chance to buy spanish morocco. If and i wouldnt like it they did had 1 asian 1 native and 1 european, the only really missing european is Danish. I also much more prefer an indochina or indonesia civ not Korea.



That would be a good roll out

I don’t expect them to really add civs according to any theme, mostly just what they think will be popular.

If they did, however, I would like to see them start with a “European Empires” expansion or something like that. Add European factions and maps:

You could have it so you have Austria, Sweden and then either Italy or Poland. Then you have European maps, and on those maps you have European “natives”, like minor German states, Finns, Scottish Highlanders, Greeks, Croats, Maltese Knights, and depending on which one was chosen as a proper civilization, either Poles or Italians.

Then after that you can maybe move onto Africa in another expansion.

They’re not releasing new civs for Age of Empires 2 DE, mostly becuase they have enough as it is. But with Age 3 they have a lot more room to add, which means there is oppertunity for subsantial amounts of additional content.

The game is about European colonization and trade empires around the world and the nations involved with it. Europeans you described do not fit in that sense. You also didnt mention Denmark which is the only European nation missing that had a decent colonies.

Also European maps do than not fit and most Europeans, and even though Sweden did colonize it was hardly a thing. You do have the possibilty to have maps like crimea or Balkan in the sense that nations like Venice and Genoa had build trade posts and sort of a trade empire.

African nations fit the theme and are way better options than Europeans, seeing we already have 8. Also i think African maps add way more diversity to the map pool than European maps.