New Civilization Concept: The Venetian

Continuing the discussion from New Civilization Concept: The Venetian:

After some thinking and all your advices i came up with this little rework of the civ:

  • villager gather 5% faster (exept farms)

NOTE: the bonus could be bigger, somerhibg likes + 10% for miners, Hunters, sheperds, + 7.5% for lumberjacks, fishers and the berries.

Because they succesfully escaper from the huns and they had the force to build a city into a lagoon, and not a simple city, but one of the most rich cities during the medieval-reinassance era. This bonus is a substitudte of the loom one and all the things related, this to prevent vill rush or trush.
the impact on the economy will not be that huge, but better than the generic civ, i remember that spirit of the law pointed out that ex: a 20% faster stone miner for koreans is like having +4 stone every minute for every will (no upgrade). So at teh end it will not be overpowered in terms of eco advantage.

  • Archer line move 10% faster

normal archer speed is 0.96, im not good in math but at the end with this bonus your archers will have a speed of 1.056. this is your main and big bonus. but it could be tweaked a bit if its too broken in the balance patch.
i keep this bonus as a come of the military of Venetians, but ive scrapped the cheaper archery range both becouse they now have an eco bonus and also for the things that i will say later.

  • galley line have +1 range in castle age, and +1 range in imperial age. Careening and dry dock are free

afther sone thoughts i decided to move the +1 range in castle age, because as u can see now (and later) this civ is intended to have some sort of bonuses that will make them “over-the-top” in castle, where needs to use the advantages, and later, in imperial it will became equally-less strong, because of some missing parts of the techs.
This is the bonus of the civ on water, to try to win and mantain the wateruntil imp, where the UU can boost the full destruction of the enemy fleet (Stats of UU below)
The fact of the +1 in total is compensated for teh lack of the bracer, (at the end it will be only +1, the UT of castle age will brovide again a little boost in the caastle age for your galley)

  • Guilds free, avaliable in the castle age

this will not be as strong as the saracens market bonus (on top of the discounted building itself) i think of that mainly to reaching the imperial faster with some market abuse if the enemy reach the age before you (because you are using all your powerspike in castle age between navy and archers) and you wanna catch up. Also because after the castle age, when the things starts to move towards the imperial age what you really want is your strong FU BBC, and to have them you need the chemistry before, and also the siege engineers and the UT. It will be a lot of investiment (and time), and this will help you a bit.

  • Barracks units recive +1 Melee Armor / +1 Pierce Armor in Castle Age

The unique techs is moved as a civ bonus becouse: 1 infantry is less meta than archers, so they with an insta tech will be less broken. with this techs the venetians like the start will not have access to the last armor in imperial, and this is made for mainly 3 reasons:

1 give them a solid powerspike during castle age for potential super longswordsman before other better infantry civs can upgrade their longs into champion-with-UT, like aztecs, or bulgarians, or also to stronger champions like teutons or burmese.
2 lacking the final armor in imp they will be weaker overall agaist arrows and i think this is some sort of good trade (potential in castle age, weaker in imp, post-imp) in particular for pikes against skirms.
3: the possibility for pikes to defend more effectively agaist knights in casle age (you need only the pikeman upgrade and then with the free defense they will hold a bit nuch against the knights. but in contrast you will rely on your gold UU anti cavalry instead of the halbs in imp (or on your fast movement archers)

Team Bonus

  • Market techs are 50% cheaper, Trade Cart and Trade Cog have +50% HP

Since coinage and banking free and/or avaliabe one age earlier could potentially became a broken sling-tactic, i decided to substitute the “one age earlier” with more HP for your trade units ( Trade Cart have 70 HP, so 70+35=105 HP, Trade Cog have 80 HP, so 80+40=120 HP). i think its not broken, because the trade is without armor, but the trade route of the team will be more unluckly to lose the trade. I decided this is for giving the Venetians some trade-market bonus, and giving the fact that spanish generate more gold, bohemians have markets that work faster, italians have the UT for cheaper trade and portuguese the free cartography, i decided this, with the downside that is helpful ONLY in team game, not like the majority of the team bonuses like the woring faster buildings, LoS…

Castle Age UT:

  • archers, skirmishers and galley have +1 attack
    cost 375 food 350 gold
    research time: 30 seconds

NOTE: the bonus could Aldo be +2, but i think in the current metà Will be broken in casale Age, maybe a +2 only for skirms and gallery, and the +1 for the archers?

With this tech the archers will be much stronger in castle age, but with the downside of lacking bracer in Imperial, and consequentally lacking also the +1 range (compensated with the fast movement), the +1 LoS (compensated with the last movement). You also do not have the +1 attack and range on castles ans towers, and also the +1 attack on your TCs.
All this is for the archers mainly, to force the player to stay in castle age and force the opponent to stay in castle age by doing damage and do not move the game in imp.
you also have the skirms affected by this especially for an almost-even fair match in post imp (note that they now lack the +1 range of bracer, and they are not faster like your archers.
this is to compensate also your navy cause it will also lack bracer

Imperial UT

  • Bombard Cannon and Bombard Galleon have +4 Pierce Armor
    cost 550 wood and 450 gold
    research time: 50 seconds

this tech is to provide your BBCs some more defencse against archers, because usually players with a big ball of archers and some micro are able too easly to snipe and dodge the BBCs. With game numbers your BBCS will have instead of 5 PA–> 9 PA. a FU arbalester in Imp will have 6 base+3 (blacksmith techs)+1 (chemistry)= 10 attack. the damage that your BBCs will recive will be only 1 instead of 5. the max number you can have in one group is 60 units, so they will need at least 2 shots to kill one bombard (note that here i’m assuming that your bombard is not protected with army, is not protected with some castles and is on “no attack”… the enemy will lose some of their archers if teh bombards are protected. Also this techs will be helpful with some bad pathing of the units under the castle or some misclicks of movement of teh units under the castles. At last your BBCs will be not strong in terms of damage in comparicon with the bohemians or burgundians, or more cost effective like the italians, but more resistant to arrows.

Castle Unique Unit:

Because the first idea in my mind is difficult to implement into the game i decided to stay with a more decent an simple infantry units (the Fante de Mar, in english the traduction should be “Marines”).
A faster attacking infantry unique unit, with decent movement and heavy armored, with a huge bonus agaist cavs. the drawback is that it will have a very low base attack, their counter is intended to be the Militia line, so the standard infantry. This because the low base attack and no bonus against infantry (exept eagles).
NOTE: this unit is not influenced by the civ bonus of free armor cause its not from the barrack, and also it will not have the last armor cause missing from the blacksmith.

  • Cost: 65 food 30 gold
    Stats: Normal Elite
    HP 60 70
    ATK: 5 6
    MA: 3 4
    PA: 2 4
    RoF: 1.75
    Speed: 1.00 1.05
    LoS: 3 5

Training time 11 seconds 10 seconds

Elite Upgrade: 850 food 500 gold → training time 40 seconds

Bonus damage +16 +22 against cavarly / 16 +25 against war elephant / +12 +22 against camels / +11 +11 against mameluke / +6 +6 against eagles / +6 +8 against standard buildings

Note: RoF: like the srivamsha rider (knight and cavalier are 1.8). Is more than a halb cause it cost gold, they have no halbs and is produced from a castle.
Note: that a FU Imp standard cavalier or paladin have 2+3 of melee armor, so the damage without the bonus damage will be 1 (without upgrades, with a max of other +4, so total 5 with the blacksmith techs). Note that thi unit replace the halbs and it cost gold, the porpuse here is to have a halbs replacement, with the downside of the cost of gold, and that is trained from a castle (yes, it has a faster attack rate of a halb, and yes is faster).
Note: a FU Imp arbalest have 10 attack, this UU in Imp is with 4+2 (4 damage for every hit) arbalest could work also as a counter if massed, is for this reason that i gave them a speed of 1.05 with teh elite upgrade, cause it will be easy to reach the archers, not like the ghulam but is not 0.9 like the champion, and like teh eagles against teh champion the fast movement is for escape, but at the same time to be a bit faster to catch the enemy cavs.
Note: elite upgrade is lower than the generic UU because teh halberdier upgrade is significant lower and the unit itself is not gold intense (halb upgrade is 300 food and 600 gold), the training time is 10 seconds lower than the upgrade for the halb, cause its a UU
Note: i used as source for the bonus damage (castle age version) teh flemish militia (because the attack of teh flemish is much more of this unit ave added the rest as a bonus damage, it reflect teh purpose to be strong against cavs and weaker against the militia line) the elite stats are basically the stats of a pikeman, the bonus against eagle is high cause it’s a UU and their base attack is very low (eagles have more speed, so they can easly escape). the bonus against building is hight than the milita line or other UU always because the low base damage, and all the types of infantry have an high damage against buildings.

Here teh porpuse is to be abel with this unit to be an anty cavs unit and at teh same time have something that can protect your BBCs

Naval UU:
Galeass: the porpuse of this unit is to have something bigger and tanky to put in front of your ranged galley. But this unit is only avaliable in imp
Also it will work like a ram in front of your archers, but unlikely the ram this unit will have an attack. i like the fact also that this unit could be used in the Battel Of Lepanto, into the historical battles, (another reason to implement the venetian).

Cost: 150 wood 90 gold
HP 275
ATK: 11 (melee) main, have other 4 projectiles that deal in a wide area like the organ gun, the sendondary projectiles deal 5 damage (they will ignore the armor)
MA: 4
PA: 8
Range: 6
RoF: 3.45
Speed: 1.3
LoS: 7
Accuracy: 85%
Projectile speed: 7.5

Training time 50 seconds

bonus damage: +10 against Unique units / +10 against ships, fishing ships, buildings (bonus damage is only applied on the main projectile)

Note: i used as a reference the turle ship and the thirisdai.
Note: i like the fact of a UU on water with the bonus against the other UU on water, like teh samurai.
Note: im not the gratest when it comes to water balaced, but i think it’s a pretty good work considering the fact that i can’t try the unit…
Note: i’ve added teh bonus damage agaist teh UU instead of teh ability to reduce (-50%) the damage if teh enemy select the navy behind the UU (like the ussite wagon). it can be also implemented in this civ or it could be some new ideas for some new naval unit
Note: this unit is intended without the need for upgrades from the blacksmith or university, but it will benefit from your free careening and dry dock (also there is the need t test teh cost before and after the shipwright)
Note: for the cost i used the thirisdai as a reference

Tech tree:

Note that there is no more the discount at teh arcehry range, ut you have faster archers

i removed the cavalier and the husbandry to force teh player to use the archers, but in post imp you can fully upgrade your hussars exept for husbandry (i like the fact of a faster archers and UU but with a slow movement cavs)

siege ram is here because of the famous venetian arsenal, their siege needs to be with something FU… and i think rams are more “inoffensive”, siege onagers i think it would be too broken. but it can be easly removed leaving only the capped rams.

remember that careening and dry dock are free

lacking some important stuff, but redemprion is here

you can see the lacking of the final armor (you have the civ bonus) and the bracer (you have the UT, but lacking range)

i removed the keep for the lack of bracer. Note that masonry and architecture are here but are not a civ bonus anymore, so you need to research them

a normal town center… with loom (you need to research it like all the other civs. (i do not know why thare are 2 images of teh tc in the photo ?? :joy: )

the fact that they have the bonus for faster gathering will be halpful in many ways but i left the full lumberjacks because they are a naval civ

remember that here the guilds is free and avaliable in the castle age, all the other techs are discounted for the team, the trade cog have more HP

(Images source (not edited): Technology tree | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom)