New gameplay mechanics in Age of Empires 4

The first camel upgrade seems like an aura buff upgrade. They talked about camels buffing other units, and we saw this icon when the camels and the spearmen fought against the enemy. It appeared when a spearman was selected by the player if I remember correct.


We will have a mission in French Orleans awaiting us.


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this hsot makes me realize how much I hated the round maps of age 3. luckily they are squared again, but the icons on the minimap still make me cry :smiley: (in ermembarance of age 3, not particulayr because of the look)

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Maybe ‘improving’ turns it from a surface deposit into a mine. So:

1st phase: Digging out a deposit on the surface till depleted
improvement: Invest some resources to dig a mineshaft to deeper veins
2nd phase: Higher gold yield out of the mine for late game.


Am I wrong or did they announce that bridges could be built?

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I sure hope so! where did you hear this? I had not seen any icons in display but that means nothing


I honestly don’t remember, so I asked here to see if I remembered well. : D

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I don’t know if the player will be able to build bridges.

Imo this would destroy the strategic nature of the map if the player were able to build bridges.

One possible solution would be if there were fixed bridge points on a river that could be destroyed and rebuilt.


or add to it! so many possibilities. And if you can control the waterways can use it against them.

I hope we get to make bridges.

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just make the bridge very very expensive, in order to avoid huge motorways, and make impossible the life for naval civs.


hopefully the support arches would be big enough to let trade and fishing ships through.

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Congratulations, the developers broke the silence by releasing a short video dedicated to the tactics of the game for (The Abbasid Dynasty). I will say right away the video is small and not very informative.
Age of Empires IV - The Abbasid Dynasty - YouTube

It turns out that we playing for (The Abbasid Dynasty) can build a house of wisdom with (1 age).