New minor civs and maps

That’s what I think as an important content update besides civ expansions (if we will have any). The game is only out for no more than two months and we cannot expect a major expansion too soon.
DE has borrowed a lot of maps from the community. But it is extremely weird to see again Chinese and Japanese monks in Korea or Manchuria, etc.

What I do think are good additions:
Koreans (if there is no plan of making a major civ)
Vietnamese/Thai, etc. and other SE Asians (not just Sufi for SE Asian maps)
Egyptians or Bedouins (for fertile crescent, etc.)

Yeah these maps are meant to be competitive and it’s better not to experiment with too many new stuff. However we can easily avoid this by changing the names and descriptions, etc. E.g. add a new “Korean” map with the Korean natives and then change the descriptions of the old “Korean” map to sth else more relevent.

Also if we are to have European maps, some revolutionary units like hadjuks or wallachians also make good native units.