No Rush option?

Ok, I dunno if someone had started this topic already, but idea of having “peace time” of 10, 20, 30 minutes would be nice for new players, so we can easily get into the game if you aren’t “pro”.
So an option for multiplayer where this is possible would be good.
Do you agree?

That’s just silly. How do you think this would be done? Allow no units to be trained? Players could just agree to this, nothing needs to be built in.

I remember there is a RTS that already has building time as an option, actually I think it is AoE 2 in his last expansion. So yeah, could be.

If there is some sort of ranking system, then you should not have a major problem going against these “pros” and should play people at your skill level.

Back in time, some players used to play like that “build time, 10, 20, 30 mins”. It was specially good for newbies as as well as for some players who would like to play boom style.

If possible it should be added, something like forced ally or neutral diplomacy during those minutes.

i didnt be a new player :smile:, but i think it is a good way for newbies that they can learn the game.

@BlazingGaming13 said:
That’s just silly. How do you think this would be done? Allow no units to be trained? Players could just agree to this, nothing needs to be built in.

In Aoe2 they added it :slight_smile:
Not sure which expansion but, it actually exist.
Optional, feel free to try/ignore :slight_smile:

I didnt’t know. Nonetheless, I think this is silly. If you are a noob, play with other noobs. If someone is clearly better than you the no rush thing doesn’t really matter because they will pretty much destroy you once they can attack.