No theater card for germany

Germany is the only european civ to not have any card to reduce outlaws pop.
Tavern can now become mercenary camp and can’t transform into theaters anymore. It’s a bit weird for a civ which is “outlaws and mercenary” focus. Should Germany get an outlaw reduction pop cost with the mercenary camp upgrade? or get an extra card like Ethiopian Shifta?
The only civs which can’t reduce outlaws pop cost are natives civ, Hausa, and Germany.

It’s a good question but I think theatres was a bit dull went it went ahead and always granted ronin, the asian atonement however was interesting it gives each asian civ a different mercenary.

I think the ‘repentant’ prefix should be removed on mercenary units and only on outlaws.

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Did anyone ever make outlaws as germany? Germany is good for mercs nothing special with their outlaws as far as I know.


Ronin can stay unavailable
Outlaw pop reduction with germany can allow an age 2 gold oriented playstyle, mercenaries are for their majority lock before age 3

Edit: pop reduction can synergies well with witch hammer that allow inquisitor to be train, making them cost 2 pop instead of 4
Nothing op, for an unit that don’t counter cav anymore


He already has the card in 2 ages that the houses give double the population, with another card of the reduction of the pop practically putting both cards the Germans will need 10 houses with an impressive mercenary spam.

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