Norse vs Greek

Been playing a lot of norse lately.

I keep losing to toxoto spam in ranked. This is despite me focusing on cavalry. Does anyone feel like greek is just super strong at the moment? just want to know if this is a skill issue, or greek is just super strong at the moment?

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In EE what worked vs Greek was mythic units, ignoring the greek army for raids and going heroic asap. Harder to pull of in Retold. Greeks seem quite strong now, especially with the tanky hippeus.

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Is it possible to post a replay on the forum?

I honestly feel like greek needs some kind of nerfs. Not sure what.

But doing the toxoto spam into cyclops or minotaurs are just strong at the moment. Especially as hades. You turtle up for some time and make a push. If the enemy starts pushing into you the chances are they will lose to many units to Towers, hades early power and archers.

And just to test this. I did the same as greek, and i started winning most of my games.

Or the norse cav needs a buff.

No, it’s definitely the Greeks. I’ve dealt with this strategy before, once in EE, and once in Retold. It’s very difficult to kill, even with defense.

Any good archer unit spam has always been OP. Chariot + Priest with Eggy, Arcus Spam with Atty, etc. Thing is Toxotes are Classical units so “it’s easier” to start this and Hades now have free ballistics and +2 range.

That being said, people are considering Isis, Set and Freyr stronger than greeks in the groups I am in (some with 150+ players).


Toxotes are a bit overtuned right now, as they have the best DPS/cost of all ranged units and it’s not even that close.
A good engagement with high Pierce Armor melee units should still work though. But that’s usually cav and then it gets difficult once they add Hoplites to the mix.

This was pretty much the situation in classic aom with greeks. Toxotes on classic are their strong suite.

Cavalry are soft counters but archers can focus fire in large numbers. So you have to use other advantages, you can raid your enemy with cavalry, not commiting to engagement and protect yourself with towers and walls archers cant really dystroy or avoid. Heimdall can help with towers, and forseti trolls are good as well as greeks lack ranged hero on classical age now.
When you get to heroic and get huscarls and ranged heroes (which are a new addition), archers are not that much of a problem anymore. And if you are Freyr you can have huscarls on classical.

Maybe it’s easier said than done, but that’s what I would try to do.