One nomad map is enough

There often are two nomad map in map pool (I mean for TG): African ######## and standart nomad. The F@@K111 why?

I am tired of this shit. Even if I ban one of them, always get another, very annoing.


2 nomadic maps and only 1 ban option is the reason i am still retired.

Agree. I actually think we need at least 2 bans instead of one on team games ladder.

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Nomad is a standard map, that’s why.

When you play as a team in team games you can have 4 bans. But lonely players can not have more than one ban, because otherwise 8 single palyers could ban all 9 maps. It must be limited to 1 ban.

that’s the other way around no?

Not sure what you are talking about banning 4 on team random. But under 3v3, 4v4, I am able to ban only 1.

Why should there not be 2 nomade maps? There are 9 maps in the pool. You can have like water, hybrid closed open and nomade…so you cant have 9 different types of maps anyway.

Also don’t forget people could vote for other maps. It’s not like the devs picked African clearing…people WANTED to have it in…and i was one of them tbf.

I rather play nomade maps than this boring arabia “archer flank and pocket scout into knight” gameplay.

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A team of 4 players can ban 4 maps. If two teams of 4 players ban 8 maps, then 1 map is still left. The overall number of bans must be lower than the number of maps.

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I’m talking about me doing a solo queue with 3 random people, making a 4 man team vs another 4.

I myself can only ban 1 map.

Yes, you can only one ban map in this case. But there is no other possibility otherwise more than 8 maps could be banned by the 8 players together, and no map would be left to be played.

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No that can’t be… because let’s say there are eight maps. And if I ban map 1 and 2, so then there are map 3,4,5,6,7and 8 left for me to queue into. But another another player banned map 2 and 3, so he’s left with 1,4,5,6,7,8. What this should mean is that the game will allow me to match up with him and players who still have map 4,5,6,7, and open. That’s plenty of maps for the game to match us all. Even let’s say there’s just one map open, say map 7, then if the game find eight players who has not banned map 7 can still get a game going.
Basically, the game just needs to find one, just one common unbanned map that eight players are in queue for to get a game started for a 4v4.
Am I making sense?

I think the game first matches the players and then determines the map.

An other option would be to have multiple queues one for each map, then it would work what you say. However this option would have some disadvantages, players would reduce the chance to play against players who prefer different maps. Waiting times for some players could also get high maybe. However if it is just 2 bans for all lonely players for teamgames, the practically effects might be somewhat limited, since many players ban the same maps probably. On the other hand if you would give 1v1 players 4 bans, they could avoid specifc other players completely.

Maybe what they can do is increase the number of allowable bans for 3v3 and 4v4 from 1 to 2, so 2 in total. They can put a disclaimer like: If your queues are too long, try to unban less maps for a shorter waiting period.

Nomad is not a standard map, no standard map got treaty, no standard map apply civ bonus only after TC is built.

We have heard this too many times. Unreasonable things should be changed and there are solutions, Only if premade teams are the majority otherwise the system shouldn’t be in their favor. Having only 1 effective ban is literally a joke.

I like nomad :))) , and we just can ban a map.

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With “standard map” I mean that it is always in the team map pool like Arabia, Arena and Black Forest. So these 4 are the standard maps. Not sure about MegaRandom, if it is 90% or 100% of the time also in the pool.

When one of the standard map is a nomad map, that obviously does not result in that the alternating maps can not be a nomad map, otherwise maps like Land nomad or African Clearing would be never in the pool.

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I feel the same about closed maps (Black Forest, Arena, Amazon Tunnel), of which there are way more and far more repetitive in how they play out. But in general ranked needs more maps in the pool generally.

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I agree, but I’m biased because I don’t like any non standard start maps, water maps, closed maps etc. Which is why I only play 1v1 pretty much exclusively so I can use all my bans. Team games are also too predictable.

+1 and there are still some people around here think 3 nomad maps is a normal thing.

Nomad starts are fun and wacky. That’s why there are always several Nomad maps in the pool: people like them.