My team: Cumans (me) and Lithuanians.
Enemy: Ethiopians and Celts.
I needed to build up my army and defenses quick, and my army has Steppe Lancers (then knights) and Kipchaks.
After some early skirmishes, the game went peaceful for a while, and the enemy teams made a coordinated attack on the Lithuanians. Ethiopian mostly made Shotels, Arbs and Rams, and BBC and the Celts made Woads, Halbs and Onagers! They trashed his base and the Lithuanian was on the brink of losing, although he made Leitiai and HC.
When I sent my Kipchaks and knights (upgraded to Cavaliers) to intervene, the Ethiopians and Celts changed their target and my mounted units were just disposed like garbage. Ranged units such as Kipchaks and Lith HC were also flattened by their siege too! Even if my Lithuanian ally also has bombard cannons, the Ethiopian has siege engineers and Torsion engines, so they are technically superior to Lithuanian ones.
Deadly, one-sided match with virtually no way to counter their team!
I think you and your ally play too defensive, as both Lithuanians and Cuman (especially Cuman) is very strong on Castle age while Ethiopian and Celt is Siege civ that very powerful in Imp age.
Your side need to end the game in Castle to early imp or else will be crushed by both civs’ siege comp.
Hit Ethiopian first as this civ is weak at start but grow stronger as age pass while Celt is better in early age but becoming more limited but stronger as age pass.
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Generally, late game in a head on fight, Siege (+halberdiers) is the strongest thing in the late game. Both your opponents have top tier siege civs, and your team only has cavalry civs. And your 2 civs do not synergize very well.
Cavalry are good at taking down a smaller number of units and at raiding. But Raiding requires enough APM and map awareness to split your army, which is way harder to perform properly compared to a siege deathball.
A big weakness of siege based armies is that they are very weak in castle age and early imperial, untik you mass enougg of them. So they had to do something else in theur eaely skirmishes. Ethiopians have great archer play. But Celts have bad (archer and cavalry) options with a decent economy, so they are weak, especially in castle age.
Which means that the “peaceful time” you had in the mid game is when they were very weak (they had to change army and umake pgrades) and you very strong (same army, only upgradesto make).
And the more you fight early on, the bigger the armies, and the stronger you would have been in these peaceful time.
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