Organ Gun not moving under specific circumstances


I just experienced a bug in which the Portuguese Organ Guns wont move when their movement was mouse-pointed beyond the frame in which they happen to be in. For example, I was sending my Organs to attack a unit on the other side of the map and they suddenly stopped moving; if I sent them just “few meters” within the same frame in which they are, they would have moved.

While im 100% sure it happened when I sent them to attack outside of their frame, im not totally sure if it happens when: 1.) mouse-pointed to move outside of their frame; 2.) pointed to move on the mini-map.

It happened in a custom 4v4 match, in Industrial Age (IV). The map played was “Unknown”. I had some upgrades if thats important: Artillery Found upgrade, HCC upgrades, but Im not 100% sure about the (Advanced) Arsenal upgrades. I was directing them to attack (British) Granadiers.

Already tracked and fixed in th pup.

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