Pirates of the Caribbean

Age of Pirates - Australia & Oceania #2 is here: Mods Single - Age of Empires - World's Edge Studio

Big thanks to: @AssertiveWall20 for your constant effort (not just with the AI) and especially for improving the migration and archipelago map scripts, @vividlyplain for your amazing Unknown map and your knowledge which was very helpful also for the other maps, @Phoenixbursche0 for unique unit design - Nemo, Divers, Korowai houses and many other stuff, @InnateJaguar501 for the nature and animal assets, @dansil92 for the New Guinea map and advice which helped while developing the other maps. @greasedgamer55 for Aussie units and pirate captains voiceover, @AlistairJah for your care about our Github and your help with the trigger stuff, @Innigop for the Spanish translation and testing, @Stark22e for the diver idea (hope you’re not mad we completely reworked the concept), @UnstoppableStreletsy_YT for the beta video which truly helped to catch the last issues and typos- please keep continue in your effort, and the whole community for testing the Beta and supporting us in our effort.

If you find any bugs, please report them on our Discord. Hotfix may come very soon: Age of Pirates