Pirates of the Caribbean

The Christmas update is here and with the Christmas also a new Grinch Mountain Christmas map.

Besides it, there are two new playable maps: Labrador Coast and Great Barrier Reef
… and of course also some game improvements and bugfixes

For more news about the upcoming Historical map update, check our Discord

Wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone :santa: :christmas_tree:


Congrats on the update! We should all strive to be so regular lol. The Grinch map and units are very silly, and I like that Great Barrier Reef lets you play with the Diver system in a different style of map

Unrelated observations and suggestions:

I really like the Cowboy natives: fitting units and techs, and the politicians are creative. I like that Doc Holiday slowly loses hp lol.
I feel like the Deputies (and maybe Doc Holiday) should have a bonus vs Outlaws. Their description mentions how they fight them, and since the devs added an icon it wouldn’t be hidden or obtuse. Something in the range of 1.5x-2x would be thematic and impactful but not overbearing, esp considering the Deputy’s high base damage. Or would that be too much overlap with the Pinkertons?
Speaking of them, I kinda think the multis for the Mercs and Heroes should be flipped, since Heroes tend to have more hp.
Adding the Karni Mata visual to the Sherriff’s Office aura would help with clarity, but I like the range indicator on the building.

The map description for Mississippi River says it has Comanche but it only ever spawns Cherokee for me. idk if that’s a text or map issue.
On New Zeeland 1v1, occasionally the Gold Mine fails to spawn for one of the players.

If anything else comes to me, I’ll be sure to let you know.


Hey, thanks for reply and great ideas. We’re intensively working on the Historical map update. But some of your ideas might appear in the future version. Keep posting the feedback and feel free to join our Beta (accessible from Discord)


Hi! Balthazar, let me say you, I love your great job, the new maps run excellent, also the game work well and not crashing anymore, I would ask you if you remembered the Gandalf 's maps, he had a very good map call “Delta” and it one was very good for two players only.


Hi, thanks, but I don’t know this map. Can you share a link please?

Balthazar, because the old AOE forum and I can’t find it, I can send the file where is the TWC delta map so you can check this if it can help, here the link about the file:

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Thanks I’ll take a look

I checked and it looks great. I’m looking forward to test it. We plan something very similar for some future historical map.

(image from the original Gandalf’s Delta)

Thanks, Baltazar how you can see those Gandalf’s Delta maps have about 8 or 10 random maps with different natives and location, this map is so good for two players who are going to fight for take alliance natives’ post, but those are only custom map, very nice idea use it for a future historical map.

If we can use something, then it will be just the map layout inspiration. Historical maps don’t come together that much with the randomization, but I see your point and agree the map is really nice.

Baltazar but you could add this kind of custom map with the new natives only as custom map same how you did with the last random custom map. Only as custom map.

Feel free to play Gandalf’s map together with Age of Pirates. If map mods don’t change data files, such mods should be fully compatible.

Baltazar a question, is possible to change the regular natives of Gandalf’s map to the new natives from Age of Pirates…? or does this only work with your mod?

Only works with Age of Pirates, but yes, you can technically create a map with the Age of Pirates natives. Just such map will only be compatible with the mod. We don’t want to do that, because all our maps are original or edited by the autors to be compatible with AoP (like @vividlyplain ’s Unknown). But if you decide to extend the map by yourself, you can do it. Just some of our natives need triggers to run correctly. But you can technically copy these from some of our maps. You can technically use all natives except Pirates/Wokou/Inventors and Venetians, which need special map specific triggers targeting concrete unit ID to run correctly. @AssertiveWall20 ’s Holiday Shenanigans work similarly. Just uses different natives than Age of Pirates.

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Here’s a good example of how an add-on mod would work. The simpler, the less likely it is to conflict in the future:

AoP Christmas Map Add-on

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Oh yeah! I forgot about this. This is way better example than Holiday Shenanigans. It is exactly the same case - standalone maps using Age of Pirates natives. Thanks for sharing.

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We’re coming back to our roots with the Caribbean Historical map.


The release is coming soon. This is the introduction of two of our new historical maps:

Both maps are now available on Beta. Join our Discord to find out more.


Lots of great historical maps and city map ideas floating around out there. I hope these are popular so you can keep them coming!

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Introducing more historical map update content: