Please devs dont be bad with us add numers on info of cards


could you please display on card info how much does it slow down production?


For my part, I would like more information on church upgrade cards.

It’s a card that changes for each European civilization and I have trouble remembering them all.



Pretty sure you just need to change a setting, detailed information or something like that

Qué tan rápido se crean las unidades al usar esta carta?


10% mas rapido del valor basal, por ejemplo si tardaba 40 segundos tardara ahora 4 segundos menos pero no es una carta, es algo que pagas en el capitolio y para las africanas en el centro urbano

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do you even play the game?

You can see them on the tech tree next to the church

Whoops, my bad, didn’t read what you were asking in your first post very well.

You can see them on the tech tree next to the church

Ah yes ! Thank you !

But it can be more convenient during the deck creation.

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Mmm saben que en configuraciones puedes activar una cosa que te permite ver los beneficios detallados de las mejoras y cartas, verdad?

si quiera juegas el juego? intenta eso que me dices y ve si te resulta

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14 may preview of 2 new civs, they keep ignoring us