So i dont get it, this bug has been around ever since the game launched, it’s this bug where if you host a custom lobby, a lot of the times it just goes missing from the lobby list, my friends have told me they weren’t able to find my diplomacy games because of that…
The lobby list only displays 100 games. If you want to see a specific game, you have to search by the game name or game ID. It is better to use the invite system to get friends into you lobby.
major issue IMO. stuff like these really kill the ability to play lobbies with randoms. we also need real-time updates on the lobbies but thats another issue.
I agree, real time updates is also important!
we are currently working on fixing this issue, thanks for the patience!
Thanks for looking into it
I have a hint for you:
Often changing the lobby name while your lobby is invisible, makes it visible again
Im guessing it sort of “refreshes” the lobby?
Hope it helps…
@ChristheCo what about the other bugs posted on steam May PUP? are those looked into as well? thanks