Please Hire a Single Quality Assurance Engineer

Momentary lapse of reason. Sorry, I’m tracking multiple games and patches, and it was a long day :slight_smile:

I could’ve swore a patch had come out, but not seeing it on that News & Announcements page had me second-guessing myself, so I just rolled with it. Path of least resistance (which goes back to the long day) :wink: I don’t own AoE4, so patch info doesn’t sink in as much as it would for games I do own, like AoE2:DE.

Plus, there were a ton of balance changes, and I readily pay zero attention to those and promptly purge such knowledge from my brain because I usually could care less about them. Balance changes are just background static for me; especially for games I don’t yet own. If a unit has 2 HP added, or a villager gathers .00001% faster, I could pretty much care less :smiley:

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