Please nerf the Persian TC AOE2 HD/DE

What’s that nonsense? ofc the persian player would mine stone if necessary, but if you delete your tc you play in his favor, he just takes your farms and make all your previously placed buildings around his new TC obsolete.

Please stop, @HealFortress, with this nonsense, you don’t understand how this game is working.
Play your style if you like to, but don’t give bad tips to others please.

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Depends on when and why you delete it - deleting so you can age up without worrying the enemy will deplete your wood supply and kill the tc before the age up is a concern / deleting as soon as the enemy tc is dropped is a wrong move / deleting is a strategic option to be considered / as is waiting for the enemy to shoot it down.

deleting if it has only like 100 hp left and you just made a vill and you would lose the next one by the tc being shut down is ok.
But not before.
A lot of the damage the douching player makes to his own eco is garrisoning into his tc.
By shooting donw your TC he damages his eco, so you want him to shoot at it as long as possible. BUT DONT REPAIR IT UNLESS YOU NEED BECAUSE YOUR IN THE PROCESS OF GOING UP.


That being said if he has to follow you by deleting his tc again the opponent will still be behind due to the long walk and will have to spend the same amount of wood and stone to get it up a second time where as you’re only on the first rebuild with much less of a walk and a sturdier eco- regardless of how many times the opponent rebuilds the tc he will always be behind.

nope, because he takes over your base, so you lose everything around your tc also every time you need to relocate.

Depends on where in the base you rebuild / strategic positioning is key and depends on how you answer/ where you might consider to be an optimal spot - when to consider another spot may be a more optimal position to hold

No it’s stupid. He sacrifices his eco to kill your TC and you just do it for him, saving him a lot of ressources. It’s just a terrible Idea.
When he shot your TC down you can relocate regardless, but you damaged his eco more.


Like I said - depends on the situation / and if you reposition and he follows or even stays in the same spot / you will still be ahead. And your tc will be built faster as well due to more vills from a consistent boom while he wasted time walking/rebuilding with less vills

I feel like it hasn’t happened to enough of you to fully understand how aggravating it is. The person I played recently has been doing it for months and is an absolute pro at doing it. I knew it was coming, I didn’t overreact, I repaired my TC whilst going up through ages, but he managed to still range my TC with fletching at the start, despite me putting a perimeter of houses/walls around my TC to defend initially.

He then towered my other resources and pushed me away from my only refuge, i.e. the TC, so vils were left out in the open, susceptible to scouts/archers.

I held this off and got to castle age (this time I didn’t relocate – the minute you try and relocate, he will take over your eco as mentioned above, and/or take out any vils on a woodline, etc etc. the best you can hope for is to keep him away from dropping an initial TC long enough so that you can get enough scouts or archers together to keep the TC from dropping altogether.

It needs to change imo, the HP bonus comes in too soon.

repair is usually bad, only if you are already going up and he places then next to your tc. (except feudal is important to get asap).
With towers and/or archers you then can prohibit him to follow you. It’s not necessary to go up to castle age at this stage. Better is to get a raid in feudal in.
Kill his left behind eco, it’s unprotected.

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From my experience Vs the douche I have won almost all the games it seems like it just doesn’t work imo at a decent level. at start I used panic from it and lose but now I think it’s just a bad strategy once you get arch he’s dead. This strat only hurts if you let it get to your mind.

This is why it sometimes works. The strat isnt the best. But if it gets in your mind, then you will lose against this strat.

I dont really know it this is true. Even at higher level it could work.

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Well being the “Lyx” is a legit and actually very funny and refreshingly diverse team game strategy.
But seems the meta broke it sadly.

BTW anybody who likes Lyx please leave a like. He’s a Legend. T90 should make a video about him.

Thanks @WoodsierCorn696 … case in point! Really if Rubenstock just continued to drop TCs it’d of been over far sooner. The only reason this lasted so long was due to having fishing ships, on Arabia there’s no way to get food because you’re always pushed off of any farms you make.

and yet even woodsier said this strategy isn’t the best. douching doesn’t need to be nerfed.


People should honestly be welcoming this kind of play it’s giving you a big advantage if you react well

Well if that person was a pro they would do it in dark age so there wouldn’t be fletching or towers. If your opponent waits til feudal age it’s way too late for a douche because you as the defender have your eco set up by that time. Escpecially when you know it’s coming you can have your base fully walled by then. Even if that’s not the case you could send your vils to attack their builders, create chaos and make a tower to prevent the tc from going up. Or you can use your ressource to make scouts and raid their base or make militia to prevent forward. A douche in feudal age shouldn’t do anything unless you are going fc without any military or walls.

He is doing this for years. He probably started with this strategy before DE. But there are still no signs of many other pros copying this strat at all. They might do this just for fun, but that is all. It really isnt a good strategy at all.

To me it seems more likely there was still a spot to place the TC that was in range of your TC.

No couldn’t range it at first, then his fletching came in. Pros don’t do it because they’d rather be good at the game all round, plus the bad rep they’d get from fans!

I still stand by my views anyway, I think it’s a very unbalanced/unfair strategy.

Pros don’t do it because it’s a bad strat, not because of the rep they’d get 11

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