Please please fix out of sync on playback

  • Game Version: latest as of 08/11

  • Build Number: latest as of 08/11

  • Platform: Xbox store

  • Operating System: Windows 11

Issue: Just watched a playback and got out of sync with the main game, I just played it 10 mins before watching. This happens every patch

Trigger Event:

Watching a playback

Repro Steps:

  1. (List the steps needed to reproduce the issue) watch a playback
  2. (Indicate if you were able to reproduce this, to help us identify frequency of the issue) no
  3. (etc)

----------------Same problem here, and for my friend too.

This is happening to almost every replay I have now. The worst part is I can usually watch about 10 min of the game, but it cuts out before the best parts. And if I try to rewatch it goes out of sync at the same time every time. Would really love to be able to watch replays again.

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Well the mini patch last night seems to have fixed it, thanks. Now work on being able to watch old replays. Thanks