I’d like to be able to center camera when cycling between Scouts or Monks (you always want to move to them when cycling) and I’d like for the camera to not move when I Select All Melee Infantry (because the camera positions itself at an arbitrary point if they’re not all in one place, so I can’t use this during a fight without the risk of camera going to the middle of nowhere), and Select All Military Buildings (because you usually select them to either reposition your rally point, or to build units, so there is no reason to center camera on them).
These 2 options (Find, and Cycle) being clumped into 1 setting is a huge functionality deficiency. We should be able to set the camera to Center or Select Only separately on them, as the wanted settings usually differ between them, as exemplified above.
Also Select All Military Buildings and Select All Barracks hotkeys behave inconsistently when “Find and Cycle units & buildings” is set to Center Camera: the former centers, while the latter doesn’t (and neither does for any other Select all buildings of one type hotkey).