The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

At least the other person has a chance to know and can pick accordingly. You can always log in random option just to make sure you don’t get outcived all the time vs people who dont have random on. Your solution would be the most like unfair feature implemented because on some maps civs don’t matter that much compared to others.

In a certain way it is. On arabia I don’t experience it all too often, people who dislike it usually ban. But depending on the map pool when I got arena people altf4 out of it (probably they had other maps they dislike even more). Also in teamgames chances are way higher with 6 players for instance and 2 min is very optimistic here I’d rather say like 4 min which adds up.

Yep, meaning completely redesigning the matchmaking system. With how it currently works more bans are not possible because matching doesn’t consider maps (only elo). You’d get longer queue times because of that but still worth it imo.