Please stop trying to force people to play games they hate

You shouldn’t ever be quitting a team game after 5 mins for any reason. I hope your team mates report you to admins when you quit like that. Play 1v1 if you want to ban more maps. Early quitters like you ruin team games far more than having to play the most popular maps quite often. Stop quitting if you want anybody to take your points seriously. Ethically it’s worse than laming and almost as bad as smurfing.


If you can separate your feelings from the logic of my arguments, It should be clear why they hold up. Otherwise, I don’t care if you take my points seriously or not.

If you want me to have a bad time for 45 minutes, vs my teammates have a bad time for 6 mins, it’s clear what the choice is.

I have written all this out in the post itself.

Read that first.

You are just hilariously wrong. Laming isn’t ethically wrong and this is as bad as smurfing? Okay dude. I will remember never to listen to your ethical takes again.

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Funny that you accuse me of posting with “feelings not logic” when your response is clearly an emotional outburst. Quitting after 5 mins because you don’t like the map is unethical, completely unfair on your team mates and absolutely nothing to do with logic. Literally no excuse for that.


It’s also unethical to force players to play certain maps if they don’t want to play on them.


Okay dude.

Says the man who don’t know how an emotional response to playing a game is different from an emotional response to an argument. See, this is what I was talking about. You are pissed off now, and aren’t thinking clearly. Yes, I do get upset when I have to play a map I hate thrice in a row. However, I don’t get upset if you call me names or insinuate stuff about me.

Regardless of the ranked system, it’s part of the game design. There are things within your control (your behaviour and your player ethics) and those out of your control (Microsoft business decisions & game design). It’s pointless to get so angry about the latter.

Philosophically you are correct. Practically in real world that correct point is totally moot.

You’re advertising intoxicating the Community by sheer power.

Just tell you, this is the stuff that destroys games. People play cause they want to have fun. If it’s not fun anymore they will first get angry. But at some point they will just leave cause it’s not fun anymore.

I am FOR map and civ diversity.

But the way it is currently done is just the worst attempt. You can’t FORCE diversity. You have to ENCOURAGE the acceptance and enjoyment of looking out for something different.
It’s also what a lot of the current self-called “advertisers” of the diversity projects seemingly don’t understand… And sometimes I have the feeling that this is actually intentional…


you having a bad time for 45 minutes, vs your teammates + opponents having a bad time for 6 minutes of gametime and 4 minutes of queue each. so 70 minutes in total. your behaviour is just selfish and you should be banned for it. it’s way worse than smurfing

firstly: one unethical thing doesn’t justify another
secondly: nobody is forcing you to play a certain map. you can see which maps you leave unbanned. if you queue up you agree to play those maps

I for one prefer the ranked queue over the lobby system in HD. it’s way easier to find games, it promotes map diversity and the barrier to entry for beginners is way lower.


You don’t (just) weigh the total minutes to see what is fun, my dude. That is a component, most certainly, but that isn’t the most important part of the equation. If two players were absolutely miserable in 4v4 game while the other 6 enjoy them, I would still call that a negative environment. I would say that they have a right to get out of that situation in any way possible.

Also, you are assuming that everyone (except me) will have a good time if I do play that map. If you somehow forced me to play arabia every time it came up, I’d play horribly, much lower than my elo would suggest. That is still a bad time for my team.

Honestly its about the diversity and i think playing ranked would mean that you agree to play the maps that are currently in the rotation. Other then that yes nobody wants to arabia only and the one that do are elitist player who want even try different maps before dodging

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Again, you can’t force divesity acceptance. It’s basically a self-contradiction.

Besides that, it’s always easy to tell others to be more “tolerant” or “acceptant” when you are actually happy with the current system. And this isn’t tolerant, it’s actually dismissive and disrespectful. If you advertise tolerance and diversity you NEED to also be tolerant and acceptant of the “intolerant” voices. You don’t have to agree with them, but you can’t dismiss and disrespect them. This contradicts the generalised (maximised) colported moral of yourself.


Then in it self it seems that this is a inredeemable thing that cant be changed

Also i dont force it i encourage it there is a slight differents

Sorry, but atm you advertise a system that is forcing people. You can’t call that encouragement.

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Well that wasnt my intention, my intention is to make people think about playing a variety of maps

Ok, then let’s try to look for ways how to encourage people to do that.

We already have encouragement tools in the game. Like we have challenges.
Why are the challenges not encouraging people to play certain maps (ranked)? Nobody is forced to, but you get a reward if you do so.
That’s positive encouragement.

Maybe people learn to like different maps if they just play them more - and willingly?


no it isn’t forcing you to play games they hate:

your team can ban almost half the maps. if you hate more than half the maps you shouldn’t be playing in a mixed map queue/
nobody is forcing you to play anything. you choose to play this game, you choose to play ranked queue and you choose to not ban the maps you ‘hate’. there are 3 choices you need to make, you are not being forced.

if you just want to play forest nothing, slow speed, mayan mirror or some other setting you are welcome to do so. the game caters to that: you can make a lobby and find someone like-minded.
But Arabia and Arena are the two most popular maps (for team games also Black Forest and Nomad). Matchmaking is for people to measure themselves against equally skilled opponents on the mainstream maps.

I thoroughly support better matchmaking and/or ranking for the more niche game modes/preferences like deathmatch etc. but this should not come at the cost of regular players who now have the best system ever created in age of empires. as evidenced by the biggest competitive community in the history of the game.

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You know what actually would solve that problem. Custom lobbies having rank system (currently unranked), differnt from ladder rank.

But well then would ranked ladder players start crying their eyes out due to shitty ques or bad matchups.

Would love to see how those “its unethical”, “its toxic” people would tolerate then.


I’d like having a custom lobby elo. I think most people would still stick with ranked queue as the games in it are more similar and it would lead to a more representative elo. Think about it like this:
in ranked lobbies you would be mixing regicide diplomacy players, BBC dodge-ball players, 1v1 arabia players, 4v4 nomad players etc. If they all have a rating of 1400, i have still no idea how good they are, whereas a 1400 elo 1v1 ranking gives me a pretty good idea of their skill.

yes, some people who really only want to play one map would leave the ranked queues, but I don’t think it would harm the overall quality of the queue

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I also wnat to mention that we already see the rebound effect.
After the punishment system was introduced we indeed saw more play on different maps than arabia.
But now it’s actually getting worse than before, People who don’t like playing Arabia all the time are driven away from ranked.

IDK why we even speak about diversity, if 70 % of maps played from mid elo on are Arabia.
It’s so appearant that the current system just isn’t working to increase the diversity.

Just claiming it would is totally neglecting the reality that Ranked is just mostly Arabia. There are countless ways to just accept that it’s like that, but instead we try to force sometning, don’t seeing that by trying to force it we only make things worse.

We could split ranked into ranked - random map (with very limited bans), arabia only and arena only. This would already solve a lot of the issues. Cause you would have at least 3 options and can conciously chose to get a random map. Instead of being forced to.
There are so many options to make it more acceptable for anyone, but instead we choes a way that might be nice and enjoyable for a majority of the ranked playerbase, but completely neglecting the preferences of ALL OTHERS. That’s NOT diversity.

Atm Ranked is actually addicting people to Arabia, not promoting map diversity at all.