[Poll] Should AoE4 get Native Americans?

History of the Inca Realm by Mariah Rostworowski. (for info about smoke usage in warfare).
The Invention of Conquest (Six) - War, Spectacle, and Politics in the Ancient Andes (cambridge.org) (for the smoke, boulders, and diverting water canals strats. Also mentions that the inca empire is the only civilization of the New World that had real military doctrine and logistics).
The Rise of the Inca: From Rags to Riches (wondriumdaily.com) (mentions chimor water supplies were under inca control during the war).
native American civilizations – South America Chimu (histclo.com) (mentions that incas developed the strategy of diverting water from besieged cities).

Note that I wrote “siege strategies”, NOT siege weapons. Incas didn’t build anything that could be considered a “siege weapon” in the modern sense of the word. Like rams or trebuchets that ARE indeed siege weapons.
However, they developed strategies that helped them to overcome enemy fortifications. Like using smoke, burning crops, taking over enemy water reservoirs, diverting and cutting off supply lines, etc. If we have to compare them to European strats, it’s like a mix of ottoman posts takeover and roman scorched earth strategies.

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