Dude, it’s a game. Have some fun. Enjoy seeing a war canoe run circles around a Chinese junk.
Sorry I do not like AoE3 at all.
Enjoy no natives in AoE4
I bet on it
This post will not age well. See you later
Leaving before you even voted?
Ofc I’m not voting for your leading question nonsense. Haha. Don’t want you to think you don’t have terrible sample bias issues with the argumentative phrasing of your question.
Well, to be fair, and now that I’m googling info to reply to your stubborness:
Mayans wouldn’t fit. Even if we give them skinned units and strong buffs.
I’ll give you that.
But Aztecs will just have to sacrifice some historicity and they can be part of the game.
On the other hand, incas are the most solid out of the three. Their only cons are the size of their rafts and gunpowder.
tell me which issues.
Do you want natives,
yes - depicted in a historically accurate way
yes - buffed to make them a more equal fight than they were realistically
nothing wrong here
This question doesn’t need to be asked of for Africa, Asia or Europe region, as they can be both historically accurate and balanced
another Isgreen quote:
“I love that responsibility. I want that responsibility. I want Age of Empires 4 to be a trusted source of history. I think we can do that justice; I would be over the moon if people were like, ‘man, this is legit!’ because there’s been some shaky history in the previous Age of Empires games," Adam Isgreen said at the time.”
Therefore, if the game has Nat-Ams having any chance against the English, for example, it will already be distorting History severely.
Then again, they also said Jeanne D’Arc was a feminist icon, even though she stood against everything feminists believe in.
The lack of ocean is perhaps what holds them back the most.
as I said before more authentic =/= 100% authentic, and you still seem to ignore that the Chinese civilization is not realistic, that’s not a “small thing” you’ve tried to say relic converting is a small thing, the main gimmick of the Chinese civilization is not a “small thing” building 2 special buildings in real life isn’t how dynasties work, it’s clear that the game isn’t going full accuracy. So if they aren’t going accurate with Chinese there is no reason to go accurate with the Aztecs.
Since when did we drift to China?
Feel free to explain all of China’s technological and strategic inaccuracies.
Or they can just make their ships way cheaper
or increase their basic attack and give them less upgrades.
I’m drifting to china to explain to you that the game isn’t going full accuracy, Chinese main bonus is that if you build 2 landmarks from a specific age, it determines what dynasty you are, that’s not how dynasties work in real life, so the argument that Aztecs have to be accurate Is also false because that’s not how they are doing it with China. So if you are saying Aztecs and other natives can’t be added because of accuracy, and that the devs are going for full accuracy, then your wrong.
These are two very different arguments.
I’m talking about technology and you are talking about an aging system. No aging system in-game is true
I think that Native civs could still be done, even authentically, they would just suck on Water maps, which is fine, as they are the least played anyway.
However, I do not want to see an Aztec upgraded Spearman with the same stats as a Breastplate and Helmet wearing Pikeman. Give them other benefits for upgrading the unit lines, instead.
Here are a few I would suggest:
-Unit training 2/3/4 at a time.
-Unit gets Camouflage as an active ability (cannot move).
-Unit cost half pop space.
-Unit Food/Wood/Gold cost diminished or suppressed.
-Unit can be trained instantly.
In my honest opinion, these would be WAY better than just buffing their stats unrealistically, until they are comparable to Eurasian units.
Finally we are agreeing that the game isn’t true
So if the game isn’t true then there is no reason why some things can be improvised for natives, it’s just your bias it seems, otherwise you should apply that logic to other things about the game and not just natives.
Perfect idea, only thing is unit training instantly could be a bit Op so I would rather have training in batches of 3-4
So pretty much what Russia is in aoe3 is what Aztec would be, that works.
Not if the stats are realistic, at least to game standards.
No way should a Mayan soldier with an obsidian-tipped Spear, be on the same stat range as a Late Medieval Pikeman.
However, with a good focus on Food Economy, and one unit line upgrade eliminating Wood cost, while the next allowing for instant training (+ a good Infinite Queue feature that games like this should have implemented Aeons ago), they would fight on a much more even footing, while still having the weakness of being dependant on the Mayans player keeping his Food production at a capable level.
That’s a good idea, they also should probably give them a limiting tech tree with only 2 or 3 units being able to get fully upgraded.