Should predator animals in aomr be what they are advertised as?
- Yes, it adds to the game’s flavor.
- No, they should stay as aggressive huntables.
Should predator animals in aomr be what they are advertised as?
Maybe a toggle? Could be turned off by default, but I would turn it on.
Ah I remember in old AoM when you let your villager walk out into the wilds and get attacked by wolves, crocs, bears etc. it was really annoying but also kinda immersive. That’s one of the first small things I was surprised which got changed but I am okay with both ways personally but I totally understand if you want it back.
Predator animals are a so classic AoE/AoM element that i was very ‘‘surprised’’ about this change. I initialy thought it must be a bug. What is the difference between predators and self defending animals besides stats now? I think it’s a little bit sad that they changed it. It adds nothing but it removes something if you know what i mean.
I assume it was done for the purpose of ranked multiplayer/esports. I’ve seen something similar before.
a mod in here said its intended, but they did not even change the description of wild animals which reads: they will attack villagers who wander alone
this really needs to come back. this and the blood/cadaver animation ffs!
They could simply, with maybe 5 minutes of effort, create an option in the match lobby to choose between aggressive or passive animals. But apparently, they must be on vacation right now—it’s the end of the year, after all. Plus, there’s the DLC, and they need to sleep and take lunch breaks, not to mention that developers need to go to the bathroom too. So, it’s quite difficult to change a few things. Just be patient and stop bothering them.
Maybe in a couple of years, they’ll find the time to add a line of code for that. I know I’m putting a lot of pressure on them, but who knows, right?
You’re right, they’re probably still on vacation, and yeah, good for them.
I don’t think anyone meant for them to deprive themselves of sleep to get that one thing done first thing. I’m actually one of the people who’s happy to wait longer for more quality.
When it comes to big corporations like EA and microsoft, poor gameplay quality is more often than not the fault of the higher ups, who are more concerned with stocks and investors, and don’t actually know anything about the actual product, other than a brief description on a piece of paper, and maybe the cover art. And the sales numbers and revenue it generated, vs the costs of creating and continuous support of it, of course. Those people want to cut costs and push monetisation wherever they can, to maximize the bottom line.
I agree with you but just to be sure since I can’t read out if you understand how he meant his comment: his comment was meant to be cynical/sarcastic. Just wanted to point that out cause I know it’s often hard to read a meaning out of context when it’s just text and not delivered vocally (and sometimes even then some ppl have a hard time to identify sarcasm or don’t even know being cynical ^^)
I think he understood my sarcasm but decided to respond to it with a serious argument. Personally, I believe that trying to engage on equal footing with the team currently managing the game is pointless. They’ve completely lost credibility with me. However, I understand that some people still overlook their actions.