Interesting. Most people would pick Koreans among AOC civs I guess.
Because they are on the title.
They got a big change in the last patch. If you think they still need more, feel free to mention what type of change you want to see.
Interesting. Most people would pick Koreans among AOC civs I guess.
Because they are on the title.
They got a big change in the last patch. If you think they still need more, feel free to mention what type of change you want to see.
I vote for the Goths, because gunpowder units must be removed for this civ. (historical accuracy)
Not big enough imo. They can use a unique monk unit perhaps.
I thought I can select multiply sections, I really think all of them need a rework, sooner or later.
But both towers and archers fire arrows, siege operaters don’t. When the archers on the ground can fire farther with a longbow, it is logical that the archers on the towers can fire farther with a longbow too.
Since Yeoman has to provide an improvement to towers, why not meet the characteristic of long range?
If you don’t like faster firing towers for the Koreans, we still could give +2 attack to Eupseong and give the faster firing to Svan Towers. This is not a cancellation of by tower bonuses from Koreans in any case.
I have always believed that giving the Spanish crossbowmen would not only be historically accurate, but would not disrupt the balance, and would help make the civilization more flexible in the early game.
As for the new UU, I have proposed the Billman before, infantry using a bill.
Even though the bill seemed to be weapon also used elsewhere in Europe, the English particularly fond of it and continued to use it until the 16th century. Obviously, the Billmen will be an anti-cavalry unit with a higher base attack but lower attack bonuses than Halberdiers, or with a higher bonus against cavalry but no bonus against camels and elephants. Of course, devs may also give it some new gimmicks instead of such traditional bonus tweaks.
If not sticking to infantry, I also think it would be reasonable to move the Organ Gun to the Britons, when the Portuguese get a new UU. The earliest record of using organ guns is the English during the Hundred Years’ War.
It’s almost impossible to remove hand cannoneers unless we introduce a new anti-infantry unit as their new UU.
They don’t have good anti-infantry options other than HC though. Their worst win rates are always against strong infantry civs. And they don’t have any good siege option outside of BBC either.
There you go. Not a significant change then.
I was interested to see the civ that people think need changes the “Most” That’s why only one option can be voted.
I get your irl logic. But in game doesn’t run by this logic.
Oh yeah. That reminds me.
Nah. Too big of changes again.
I’d like if it was a pre-norman unit so the civ have a reference to the anglo-saxon era.
Honestly the only UUs that still dont feel unique are the Woad (civ bonus 15% speed muddies its value) longbow and maybe the Jannisary. Its not about if they’re weak they just feel low on identity or uniqueness. Like you look at the non elite longbow with 5 base range right next to the equally 5 range crossbow
Sara are fine the way they are. The only thing that keep them in check is the lack of true eco bonus since they have so many military option.
What can it be?
Never heard someone said Janissary is not unique. Why do you feel so?
It feels like the Hand Cannon is more unique with its bonus damage while the Janni has HC stats MINUS bonus damage. Essentially its an HC that trades inf bonus damage for more power which feels odd
The only real thing I could think of is Japanese Towers kind of being kinda OP but, obviously still weak to trebs. (I am kinda nitpicking here as I did a test on Towers and Japanese are Extremely deadly when grouped up/Built near each other. Although, they are probably fine as is.)
Although, I still feel that the Chinese might need some tiny buff. (As to what, I dunno. Their win rate is sort of lower than average from the stats.
Can you share the link? I remembered you mention something long ago.
Btw, what will be your proposed new longbowman stat as they will replace crossbowman.
I see. Maybe the reverse would feel more unique.
Saracens are the most urgent. They really need to be split into 3 civs. Ayubids, Fatamids and Abassids and the Ayubids need to replace the current Saracens in the Saladin campaign because Saladin was a Kurd not an Arab.
The next big overhal needs to be the American civs. They really just need some re-skins mostly. They don’t need complete overhauls but they can’t just be having European style man at arms and two handed swordmen and crossbow men and such. Its just waaaay too jarring and goofy. Preferably they also get an overhaul to their siege but honestly I don’t know what they could replace things like the trebuchet with.
AOE II civs are not dynasties.
Yes yes I keep hearing this… I don’t care at this point tbh. Those splits are not just a matter of dynastic differences. For one they coexist at the same time in different places. One shaped and spread a completely new religious faction (The Fatamids) and the other the Ayubids were actually led by a tribe who were of a completely differnet ethnicity and spoke a different language (The Kurds). The area controlled by the Arabs was so vast that the cultural differences between the different parts of the Islamic world were actually quite pronounced and so was their political impact on the rest of the world at the time. You can’t really have a proper campaign about the crusades without having the Ayubids and Fatamids for example as the Fatamids actually helped the crusaders in some ways. In the campaign currently this is represented by a Saracen faction called “Egypt” in one of the missions. I say if we can have Italians and Romans in the same game we can have these 3 as well.
Chinese need start change. It’s the only thing that completely screw the civ winrate over Elo, who cares if proplayers complian, they also ban Chinese everytime, maybe they would stop crying and calling them op and finally stop banning them. Once the start gets normalized, the other bonuses can be adjusted or reworked.
Then use an actual civ name like Kurds instead of Ayubids.
I’m still waiting for a decent Chinese rework proposal though.
How about splitting them into different cultures instead.
Arabs (as in people that live in the Arabian peninsula), Egyptians and Iraqis (as in people that live in Mesopotamia).
Kurds would be an entirely new civilisation.
The Mamluk would stay with the Egyptians since the Mamluk Dynasty was created there at the end of the Middle Ages.
It would be nice if Mamluks would be a regional horse cavalry unit that replaces the Knight Line but I think changing such an iconic AoK unit would anger the old school fans too much.
Every region needs that but they need it the most.
It’s just sad how bad this still looks like.
They already had a regional Monk skin since 2000, not like regional skins are something never seen before.
No, because in the context of the middle ages those terms would be less meaningful. Ayubids and Fatamids is more precise.