[Poll] Which is your favourite civilisation?

Not really - it’s your favorite civ not favorites or best you use from time to time

My personal favorites are Teutons, Incas, Vikings, Goths, Britons, Byzantines, Turks, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Italians and Tatars


True, but without any data I would assume that.

Tatars. Damnit corrector

I like having tanky units, siege, wood bonuses and a nice raiding unit. So in theory koreans should be my fav civ

But now my fav ones are vietnamese, despite having average siege. Their tanky archers survive an onager shot, rattan archers raids are right and their economy is smooth. I dont consider their elephants very useful but I cant help making some of them

Other civs I like are koreans (obviously), ethiopians, khmer, celts, portuguese, italians and indians.

One of the best civs in the game and you think they are meh? one dimensional is true but to call them meh is laughable.

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Interesting. Expected to see Mayans as first bc that’s what i face in like 20% of my games.

Couldn’t really decide between khmer/vietnamese/indians. Went for Indians in the end, it’s just too much fun to see your opponent trying to go for pure xbows vs their light cav11

I see you are an elephant lover

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11 Never thought about that but indeed does look like it. I virtually never play elephants but like these civs for their archer/cav flexibility while having good eco and nice late game tech tree (another one on my list would be chinese for the same reasons).

Weird to see no one picked Ethiopians

Or Portuguese. Guess they are not as impressive as Malians and Berbers, with their Stables focus.

Tbh i get it more for the Portos, but Ethiopians are played a lot and are pretty competitive

And they also have incredibly powerful siege which is only bested by the Celts.

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Tbh Portos hold their own in that regard with their bombard cannons

The mongols would like to have a word with you.

Ethiopian siege is better than Mongol siege

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Mongol siege is harder to kill and way easier to use.

I respectfully disagree. I’d go so far as to argue they have the best Onager and Ram line of all civs.

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Yeah, but higher damage on onagers, bombard cannons and scorpions is just better

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it doesn’t increase the damage on any of the units, it just increases the radius of the damage. That leads to an increase in damage to non-direct hits. It doesn’t affect total damage at all.

Ethiopian siege is absurdly expensive to get going compared to Mongol Siege and it’s incredibly hard to keep the former safe where the latter is without a doubt the most survivable siege complement in the game. You can keep your torsion. I don’t want it.

I picked the Portuguese

Considering how late game battles are thats a huuuuge advantage

Well, then you will never have onager shots as good as Ethiopian ones :sunglasses: