[Polls] With regards to new civs II



  • They would use the last Euro set which hasn’t gotten a new civ (Central European) since DE.

  • They have a sufficiently enough niche to not feel like yet another Euro civ (probably mostly focusing on Pikeman and maybe also Monks (Switzerland was one of the center of the Reformation).


  • They’re really a minor civ and I would really just consider them if we absolutely have to get another Euro civ which we really don’t consider there’s already 19 options which is more than any other world region and almost more than any other world region combined.

  • I don’t know but by no means are they anything like an empire and thus adding them would really be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

So will I to be honest. All the options you have are already votable in the poll above except the Euro civ poll which is plagued by the issue to be vague considering the community can’t agree upon where the Caucasus belongs to.

In the way I voted, I always assumed there was a limit anyway in how many civs we’ll get. Even if it isn’t hard-coded, there’s the factor of design space, design possibilites and the fact that I doubt they’ll release 20+ DLCs à 2 civs each just from an economical point of view.

I agree with @TheConqueror753 with his post which for simplicity I’m just going to quote here: