Porting scenarios and mods scenarios from AOE2 to ROR


Does anyone know how to port scenarios and mods scenarios from AOE2 to ROR?
I have tried with the GenieEdit but it does not work and I cannot launch GenieEdit on the command prompt…
what am I supposed to type: " cd GenieEdit"? It says directory not found or similar error messages…
Can anyone please help? :slight_smile:

AoE2 scenario parser.

How much Python do you know?

Thanks. I do not really know Phyton

This is how you actually transform one format to another


This is a basic example of modifying an AoE2 DE scenario

What you want to do is change the unit ID of every unit in the aoe2 file to an id you want in Return of Rome file, like, change Teuton Knights to Phalanx or Castles to Academies and whatever. Same thing for terrain

Use this
and this

These ID’s you can find using AGE3


Can this convert e.g. AoE1 scenarios (original or DE) into AoE2 scenarios?

No. And the guy who wrote aoe2scenarioparser, doesn’t seem to be working on making it being able to read AoE1 DE scenarios.

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Shucks… But fair enough, it’s probably a niche interest.

I’m sure it used to be possible to just open an AoE1 scenario in AoE2, using the original CD versions of both games, but I can’t get it to work anymore.

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THanks, I have tried many times but it says SyntaxError

Show us the full error

Porting Maps to Return of Rome - Age of Empires Forums (heavengames.com)

AOE1 to AOE2 AI Converter - Age of Empires Forums (heavengames.com)

The good old AoEH is still (barely) alive. You could find more people to help you there or useful resources.

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