Problem with repositioning Villages in other resources

guys there is a bug that has plagued me for a while, when I play online on age, one thing happens to me, when my Villages stop working, as soon as I reposition them to go to another resource, every now and then it happens to me that there goes only 1 Village, when in reality I have selected them all, or that no one goes there, I don’t know if it’s a connection problem, it happens to me when I play in General in team games, even if it was just a connection problem, before I don’t it happened, only after the last patch

@Infinito6739 thanks for reporting! Any chance you are able to capture video or a gif of this happening?

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of course, as soon as I can register it I link it immediately

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I apologize for not having sent you any more news, I think it was just a disturbance of my connection in the previous days, it has not happened to me anymore

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