Proposing changes

Are you sure about the intention or is that your interpretation of what happened?

arambai were changed because they wanted an anti archer bonus for a civ that dies terribly to all archer civs. as +2 for knights was already taken by persians they used the ut for that.
Camel Archer weren’t changed especially but only the team bonus of another civ when indians were changed into hindustanis.
The Elephant Archer was changed when it became a regional unit from archery range instead of a castle locked uu.

the only civ with devastating siege archer were mayans on arena builds. and yeah im glad about that.

Every anti cav unit also have a bonus damage against ships, it’s just that way since AoK.

Also, GC are the worst anti cav unit against ships, since they deal pierce damage and ships have high pierce armor.

It is just my interpreation because I was a Siege archer player. I was a Saracens CA player. After the nerf I become Burmese Arambai player. After the nerf I become a Mayans UT player and so on. They just nerf the best Siege archer play in that patch until now there is no easy massing Siege archer play anymore.

Sorry I am not talking about the UT. I am talking about the attack stat of arambai. 30 Arambai in castle age can 6 shot a TC without UT and run away which is quite OP in Team Game imho. In map like hideout pocket you can double castle and punish the greedy 3TC bloomer into death in 24 minutes.

After the changed of arambai, they already did well against archer in castle age without UT

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ships have usually enough pa to ignore the normal attack of archers. so usually its around 1 or max 2 damage. genoese do +5 so between 350% and 500% percent the damage of normal archers. and they can attack ships that are more than 1 tile away from the shoreline.

actually only pike line, camels and gc have bonus against ships. memelukes for example don’t have it even though they’re anti cav. neither do kamayuks. so i see my point that it’s a relict from old times that need to be removed still valid.

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i only had it in mind with the old ut bonus, when they were razing buildings like it’s nothing. but yeah with the high pierce damage per shot it should still work somehow. so it is still a viable strat on hideout? that would mean siege archers are somehow still in the game?

i think in general siege archers were too repressive on arena and similar maps (hideout) in all-in situations. unfortunately i didn’t play as much during the times saracens ca bonus was stillt there as i do nowadays so i cant tell if it was on a similar level. but i didn’t see complains about that bonus anywhere. while there were quite a lot about mayans obsidian arrow on arena.

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They do unless they change it in the latest patches.

Wow, +5 damage on a units with 135 HP and that can out-range them…

And to be fair, historically speaking GC were basically marines, so among the anti cav units they are the ones that make more sense to counter ships… and yet I almost never saw someone use them this way…


exactly they are not meant to kill them, so the bonus should be voided.
gcs were mercenaries that were used wherever they could be afforded, not necessarily as marines but also in naval battles yes.
the point is anti camel/cav units should generally have no attack bonus as thats a relict from old times when camels had ship armor which is not the case anymore so we should get rid of that relict in order to have a cleaner game with less surprising encounters. i have to admit i was surprised by that matchup once when i played northern isles and didnt know about that thinking my galleons would easily shred them even when under fire. but yeah it just makes no sense gameplay wise.