Puzzle time!

OK after Supplies didn’t work, let’s try the same scheme again?

I think devs will make something with infantry. If it’s this tech, IDK.

But I think it would also make a great name for a 2nd type of “loom” tech for billagers. And this would imo make the game better in general cause if the vills don’t die as fast to raids, there would be less incentive to make walls.

I seriously hope they don’t make them like AOE4 men at arms where they are practically immune to arrows. I understand that ranged damage is supposed to counter heavy infantry, but there should be a middle ground imo.

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Can be, but what would be the use? Bringing back Noburu rush and in return incas dont get gambesons?? Sounds pretty narrow use for a whole tech.

I think it would be just an additional +1/+1 outside what the black smith gives, not much more is needed.

We are talking about a hypothetical tech here you know?
But I could imagine that it would be available from castle age so you can make it to protect your vills better against knight and xbow raids. Meaning just that the raiding player would need a few more of them to raid effective than currently. A little tweak to the currently all-dominating castle age powerspike meta.

This could already break infantry on lower elos. I am no expert there but what I see is basically no micro, so infantry with 1 more armor could actually chew through archers like nothing…
I meant that’s the tradeoff we always had with slow melee units, that they usually suck at higher levels but can get broken at lower levels. Devs even needed to nerf the Battle Ele Splash damage for that reason 11

Balance is complicated 11

No they dont, they still slower than archers, so there is no chewing through at all…

Can ofc also be in castle age, but given the symmetry of barracks techs and late maa also need help, i go with feudal.

And it being a tech means, you can pretty much pin point the time where its available via cost, maybe even just after having clicked up its viable to go for it.

Given that the devs #### # ##### puzzle just for us to find this one single word…
We have to assume it’s kinda a game changer, no?

I’m late for this, but I guess I can help finding the last answer.

23 years of bad infantry fixed, new generic tech, all pretty game changing for me.

nvm UlissePigro already found the last answer.

When do think armor would “fix” infantry youre completely wrong. Some of the best infantry in the game are totally fine with bad armor like woads, berzerks or Condos.
And if you give them armor you see what it makes of them in the Obuch.

It’s several issues, but the most important for the midgame: You can’t raid with the infatnry options from the barracks there.
And they are also expensive to even upgrade…

There’s no reason to think it’s a vill tech. General infantry buff threads are extremely common fare both here and on reddit, whereas I’ve seen maybe 3 people in as many years who want vill buffs.

Either way, I guess it’s nice to have “something,” but these little hint threads are a little too cute for me. I’m kind of burnt out on the endless circular speculation and people projecting all their wild ideas onto a single word. It’s very likely to be some kind of infantry tech, but beyond that, I don’t care to guess until something more substantial appears.

Yes, it fixes a lot of their weakness if they can have same base pierce armour as a knight ofc and dont die to a single archer before ever even touching them. This also ofc affects their potential to pressure bases in a slow push.

May I ask about what of the two infantry types you refer to when you speak about a

Cause pike Siege pushes are already a thing.

There is no need to make this viable for the militia line. And I cann tell you if this becomes viable against archer civs, archer play will be completely dead.

I don’t know why all these infantry enthusiasts are so obsessed with removing the weaknesses of infantry.
It’s the principle of a strategy game that all units have weaknesses. These weaknesses usually can be covered with the addition of a secondary unit to the composition.

I actually argue the other way around. Infantry sucks cause it currently has no real “strength”. I see almost no incentive to make militia in the midgame. Cause it doesn’t give me anything. I can’t deal economic damage to the opponent with them, that’s why I don’t use them.
And it also “counters” nothing my opponent does.
And this wouldn’t change with an extra pierce armor tech.


Maybe Militia and Spearman lines’ default speed could be increased (probably would have to change the amount of speed squires give as well) and make the militia line counter stuff other than trash (maybe Knights?).

As of right now, both the Archer and Knight lines counter champions, and even if people make spears and skirms before they run out of gold they’ll probably build gold units as well. So there’s no reason to train the militia line before trash wars (and by the time of trash wars, you’ll probably run out of gold as well).

What if the tech is actually for Knights?
What if Knights lost 1 Armor and the tech gives it back?

We have actually the tendencies that in trashwars god is bought to add some kind of ranged DD to the comp, most of the time CA or HC. This makes it even less common to see the champ switch these days.
I think the low gold cost of the unit was intended to make it more sustainable, but with the heavy raiding meta we have these days this is just not how the game works anymore.
What does it help you if you have saved all your gold when the opponent just raided you to death?

It’s not skirms at all, it’s the Thirisadai.


Besides the apparent Gambesons hint, a lot of the answers here seem to allude to balance adjustments that might come in the next update, which we’ve been told will be the largest since DE’s release.

Goedendag - change FlemRev
Paper - Paper Money buff?
Llama - Inca might need a buff; maybe they get two, or one each age?
Varangians - Logistica renamed, or reworked into a tech that effects more than just Catas. Alternatively, maybe Greek Fire is replaced.
Royal Heirs - Another UU-only UT that might get altered.
Yurt - Change to Nomads tech
Strongholds - Notoriously weak UT, could be buffed/changed
Barracks, Champion Warfare - More support for “infantry buff” changes.

No clue what’s up with the heroes, though, and Tancred is even more random.


I like your thinking. Certainly plausible.

But there’s always the possibility of reading too much into this. IDK what Tatars, Chinese, and especially Teutonic Order, Murder Holes, Iron Boars, Viking Age etc. have to do either with the RoR DLC or a balance update. The general scarcity of information definitely has people extremely primed to read major significance into every word, regardless of whether or not there’s actually anything there.
“Gambesons” is the only word with indisputable (yet unknowable) significance.


I get the feeling it would become a tech for the militia line, or it would be a new unique unit for the Byzantines since this would be their biggest update in AoE 2 history they said but what happens to the Cataphracts?

Maybe Varangians will replace Logistica as the new UT, giving infantry improvements. On the other hand, trample damage may thus become a preset effect of Cataphracts or Elite Cataphracts.