Question: Negative Attack Calculations?

Hello, I cannot find this information anywhere. How is damage calculated when the armor is greater than the attack? Two common situations:

  • (a) Archers attacking ram or building with 50 pierce armor.
  • (b) Unit with 10 torch damage attacking keep with 15 fire armor?

How does this work? Is it just 1 attack each time? Some fraction? I know it still does some damage so it is not zero. I noticed an archer attacking a building and it was basically usually 1 point each hit, though sometimes it was zero, and sometimes 2. Do they miss sometimes? Is there a simple or secret equation? Thanks for the information anyone.

I don’t know if fraction damage is a thing but it APPEARS the minimum when armor exceeds listed attack is 1 damage; this i’ve tested with 1 zhuge nu attacking a house and noticing the house taking 1 damage per shot even though the house has 50 range armor.

I would like if armor worked properly and that armor that exceeds attack would COMPLETELY negate the attack. This would make buildings and siege more respectable vs all range units. This would remove the mystique of the zhuge nu vs armored units (yes another china nerf, but then they could properly give zhuge nu an upgrade that allowes them to do heavy dmg in castle age).

minimum damage is 1
minimum damage is 1

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The problem with making the damage 0 would be that practically, at game level, it doesn’t matter if you shot 10000000000 arrows at a house, it would still stand. It is not that a wooden building is made of steel, they are not bunkers. They wanted to reduce the damage of the archers to the buildings, because as in real life, you don’t shoot down a house, you set it on fire. But yes, enough incendiary arrows could destroy a house, that’s why if you gather enough archers you can burn that house or another wooden building to the ground.

To allow that, the arrows must do at least “1” minimum damage. This is also to prevent units like the post-imperial “English man-at-arms” from being completely invincible if you attack them with archers in feudal.

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