Quick matching tuning

Hey y’all
I was thinking that no matter what a team do, the other always finds the way, quick matching should allow only one of these 3 winning conditions or 2 or make it customizable at least…

I have just lost with a huge powerful army cause enemy rushed my landmarks… or when its not that, they build and defend the best wonder ever and its unreachable or they conquer sites and leave other chances of winning impossible. What about if we could choose only one victory mode before starting so everyone would be focused on that goal. it’d be more interesting…
Do not say “go to custom games”, cause ppl there reject everyone unless you were pro or else, they believe themselves are pros hahaha omg…just no.

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I agree with the idea of setting preferences/filtering the quick match to align with your preferred style of play (not just limited to win conditions, but also map type). Trouble with this I see at the moment, is that given the size of the player base, it may be hard to balance these quick match filters with queue times. The more ways to divvy people up, the longer it’ll take to make the matchups.

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