Regressions in ROR compared with the OG AOE1

To be fair they are in a more ready to battle position in the RoR and DE and maybe that is why they are not swinging arms.

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That is quite painful to watch at indeed.

Kinda off topic but I wish ROR had ranked matching like how AOE2DE does


Those CHAD marching broad swordsmen with the animated swords, I had forgotten about them. And the animated bows. Way inferior animations in DE indeed (reminds me the absense of animated ship sails in aoe2de too).


Thing is, the existence of a diminutive North African elephant species hasn’t been confirmed yet. Apart from some Roman mosaic depictions of African elephants which may not have necessarily sized them correctly, the main line of evidence for such creatures existing is Polybius’s account of the Battle of Raphia, which claims that the Seleucid army’s Indian elephants were bigger than the Ptolemaic army’s African elephants. Thing is, there already was a trope that everything grew bigger in India due to the humid climate, so it’s possible Polybius exaggerated the Indian elephants’ size based on that.

Proving Polybius wrong about elephants

The study cited in the above link suggests that the Ptolemaic elephants, assuming they had been sourced from the Eritrean region, were typical African savanna elephants rather than a separate species endemic to North Africa, and so would have grown larger than the Asian elephants in real life.


I think it may have been becauae theyvwere afraid skeletons would lag the game

Since they count as units after akk

Well, I played original aoe (upatch) for the first time since 2000s, for about two hours… I almost god blinded.

RoR is better confirmed :sweat_smile:.

PS: Upatch is great work nevertheless.

The skeletons don¨t remain forever, they will disappear after a while. If they didn’t lag the game in 99, they sure as heck won’t now.


They probably did lag in 99.
But I don’t think it will really be an issue today.
It’s not like they do anything.

You could play 4v4 with 200 population back then but computers still struggle with it today.

But the skeleton lag could relatively easily be solved by just having a maximum number of them laying around.
So they don’t decay over time, they decay depending on how many of them already exist.
Just make it a graphic setting.

I think OG is way better.

I think the best animation would be somewhere inbetween.
The old archer animations look hilarious but the new ones look kinda boring.

The Broad Swords look relatively similar, it’s mostly that the sword arm moves less.

Realistically units would not march with the sword in their hand.
Troops with spears would probably have them over their shoulder.

The issue is that AoE doesn’t make a difference between marching long distance or marching directly into battle.
In AoE3 the musketeers have their gun on in a parade position when they walk, which is something you wouldn’t do when directly in front of an enemy but a Spearman/Hoplite wouldn’t march with their spears pointing out in front unless they are directly marching towards the enemy.

I see what you’re getting at, but to me, swinging the weapons around looks pretty silly – especially the bows. I think the new ones look much better, but I can understand why you would disagree. I think the animators had to make a choice between two sub-optimal options (because having them stow/sheath their weapons would cause other problems) and there was no “correct” choice.

Actually I am finding weird how people say that original AoE1 is so much better, while it isn’t. DE or RoR has it flaws, but saying its worse is bit too much. It’s sad that in DE and RoR there are less attack animations and I wish it wouldn’t be the so.

We have been only talking about graphics here, pointing out some differences and things the new version left out. The gameplay itself is fantastic and greatly improved!

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They would of been African Forest Elephants since Savannah Elephants are notoriously difficult to tame and use as a weapon, for obvious reasons.

That’s not true, it no matter if the decay graphic is a skeleton that rot or a fallen unit that just sink down to the ground. At the end it is a graphic.

When they sink to the ground entirely they stop being there, and therefore theres less units there

Just compare the graphic files, it doesn’t matter if it’s a skeleton or just a piece that sinks down, graphics are graphics.

I know that but bodies in DE disappear really quickly

I think they are just slacking off rather than making ready to battle position.