You don’t get anywhere by not taking risks. Unfortunately it’s expensive to do so, and confirmation bias is rife.
We have no idea what a developer’s vision is. Only the results. And we judge it accordingly. But you can’t work backwards from there (without evidence).
But hey, maybe they’ll make a DoW IV and I won’t like it. That’s okay. Not everything is for everyone. I certainly won’t stamp my feet and demand they change it just for me.
DoW II already had people trying that, well before DoW III you see. Relic stuck to it, and it paid off. The landscape was different with DoW III. A lot more grind was baked into the design (the Skulls system). And online was even less friendlier than in the late 00s. People repeat stuff about it now that was patched on release as though it were fact.
I don’t think Relic is even working on the CURRENT DLC. Seems like Sultan’s ascend was their last.
World Edge is probably working on the current one that was just annouced.
relic is nowhere to be found on that concept art that lists devs below, only WE and FE
A lot of the concept art and models were produced in collaboration with other partner studios like Sperasoft. I’d be curious to see how things are being operated now, I just find it odd that its all done in such a hush-hush fashion. No statements, no corrections, no attempts to highlight changes or anything.
Just quietly adding content hoping that it works out, despite the obvious titanic shifts these studios have undergone. Feel like the target audience is mature enough to handle direct communication, IMO.
I don’t mind if other studios take over the development of AoE4, as long as they remain true to AoE4’s core gameplay and what differentiates it from other AoE titles. This is my only worry until we see more footage and information about the DLCs.
Yes, i seen. So, Relic Is probably moving on DOW4 and Coh3.
In this case, i think MS should improve their studios a lot with many new developers.
AOE franchise reached 60 milions of users and 10 milions this year. It’s a big Number of people so there Will be other AOE titles of course and AOE5 Is already under development (early stage).
Unfortunately, software (and games) development is still going the other way. They’re in cost-trimming mode all over the place. It’s all about inflating those quarterly reports and stock prices.
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I know but when you have a IP that reached 60 milions of players you should have enough developers to ensure more titles and support along the way.
Do you Remember when i said that World’s Edge Is moving to Unreal Engine for next title?
Maybe i understand why.
XBOX Is now a Multiplatform editor and they are realising their titles on every console and PC.
So, Unreal Engine Is needed for this reason. Switch 2 would have many problems to run Essence Engine
Should? Yes. I agree with you that they should.
Will they? Apparently not.
It’s never about “should”. It’s always about the money.
All it needs is work put in, the same as any other engine (e.g. Bang).
Not enough developers. Relic is on COH3 And Dow. Problems because Essence Is not Easy to develop
The switch 2 can handle Civ 7, it can definitely handle AoE IV.
I would honestly buy a copy if that was the case. Handheld AoE sounds much more comfortable to me than playing on my TV.
Yes, i’m sure It could run Essence Engine. I probably explained wrong my concepts:
Essence Engine needed a lot of otpimization and the AOE4 Is and old versione in comparison to the Company of Heroes 3.
If Relic Is not involving on AOE i see some troubles to release Aoe4 on PS now.
Before the latest lay-offs i would Say yes but not now.
You have no idea what working with Essence is like. AoE IV has the most second up-to-date version. It’s not like it’s from 2005.
Working with any engine isn’t “easy”. Engine work is one of the most specialised fields in games developmenr. Working with Unreal isn’t necessarily easy. Building an RTS with it will involve building a lot of tech from scratch.
Doable? Yes. Work? Undoubtedly.
Hope it all blows up. The investor based funding for majority of large game productions is a plague. Need a clean new slate ran by those with actual interest in the products.
I’d rather it didn’t blow up as it’d cost a lot of good people their jobs and livelihoods, but the possibility of reformation seems to be at the point of requiring the destruction of the current industry, for better or for worse.
The problem is that applies to more than just games development, and quickly gets political. Of course I have Opinions™, but I’d rather not derail the thread with them haha.
I am exaggerating, reformation is what I am hoping for first and foremost. An actual implosion would just make it even easier for corporate vultures to swoop in and buy any barely hanging-on studios for pennies.
It is unfortunate how the entire industry has been taken over like this. Or, it is more correct to say that it formed this way. Without said investments, who knows what scale of games we’d be having at this point. But, then again, what if these successful games were just held on to the original owners? What if Blizzard made its grand debut without selling out?
I really wonder what the case is with Relic. Sounds like they were dealt a bad hand, lost the bet on a couple of long term investments and got bought up for pennies as a result. IMO, it begs the question of why Microsoft wouldn’t approach them for said purchase, since they were already such a crucial partner.
Could hint towards Microsoft knowing something about how Relic was operating, or, alternatively, Microsoft not having the need for Relic much beyond a project or two. So either Relic was having dire internal issues, or Microsoft wasn’t intending on extending AoE4’s content cycle for much longer.
I don’t really see any other reasons for the severed ties.
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We know Relic suffered significant layoffs under SEGA before pivoting to an independent studio. I’d imagine the lack of resource was a contributing factor, and not necessarily anything else. Of course, this doesn’t rule out anything else either.
Dow3* sorry for the typo
It is sad the most of relic games have been done under heavy pressure and low budged, DOW IV is not the exception, hope this time they are lest get localized voices, otherwise they will have a hard time selling the game outside US
lmao, I won’t trust them doing anything good. Their main issue is they think they are better than users. in AOE 4 community gave so many feedback but they brushed it off and now look where AOE 4 is. They are also very bad at balancing and can never make a good product for their target audience. They go for this wider audience which nobody is askign for and then ends up not satisfying veterans and new players.
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