
Would anybody help with or explain what method should be used to determine if a squad / entity is holding a relic and pass the T/F into a variable?

To elaborate, would this be done in the attribute editor, and if so which extension would this happen in? (ability, attachment, sim_entity_ext, etc) The general idea is to manipulate things like carry capacity, gold generation amount when held by a religious building, conversion radius/time, travel speed while carrying, and anything else one could think of in regards to entities within entities.

Prox_AreEntitiesNearMarker( EGroupID egroup, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range )

Returns true if ANY or ALL entities from a group are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector.

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker. Markers with proximity type rectangle will use circular proximity check if custom range is supplied\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (366) 

Prox_ArePlayerEntitiesNearMarker( PlayerID player, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range, EBP/Table OPT_filterlist, Integer OPT_filtertype, Boolean OPT_ignore_camouflage )

Returns true if ANY or ALL of a player’s entities are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector. THIS FUNCTION IS VERY SLOW. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker.\n Markers with proximity type rectangle will use circular proximity check if custom range is supplied\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (466) 

Prox_ArePlayerMembersNearMarker( PlayerID player, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range, SBP/Table OPT_filterlist, Integer OPT_filtertype, Boolean OPT_ignore_camouflage )

Returns true if ANY or ALL of a player’s members (i.e. individual guys, not squads as a whole) are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector. DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO!!

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (517) 

Prox_ArePlayersNearMarker( PlayerID player, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range, SBP/Table OPT_filterlist, Integer OPT_filtertype, Boolean OPT_ignore_camouflage )

Returns true if ANY or ALL of a player’s squads are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector. THIS FUNCTION IS VERY SLOW. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker.\n Markers with proximity type rectangle will use circular proximity check if custom range is supplied\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (432) 

Prox_AreSquadMembersNearMarker( SGroupID sgroup, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range )

Returns true if ANY or ALL squad members (i.e. individual guys, not squads as a whole) from a group are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector. DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO!!

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker.\n Markers with proximity type rectangle will use circular proximity check if custom range is supplied\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (283) 

Prox_AreSquadsNearMarker( SGroupID sgroup, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range )

Returns true if ANY or ALL squads from a group are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker.\n Markers with proximity type rectangle will use circular proximity check if custom range is supplied\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (251) 

Prox_AreTeamsNearMarker( TeamID team, MarkerID/Position/SectorID position, Boolean all, Real OPT_range, SBP/Table OPT_filterlist, Integer OPT_filtertype, Boolean OPT_ignore_camouflage )

Returns true if ANY or ALL of a teams’s squads are in range of a given position, marker, or territory sector. THIS FUNCTION IS VERY SLOW. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

You MUST specify a range if you are using a position rather than a marker.\n Markers with proximity type rectangle will use circular proximity check if custom range is supplied\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (500) 

Prox_EGroupEGroup( EGroupID egroup1, EGroupID egroup2, ProxType checktype )

Returns the distance between two entity groups. use checktype PROX_SHORTEST, PROX_LONGEST, or PROX_CENTER.

If check is PROX_SHORTEST this will return the shortest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_LONGEST this will return the longest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_CENTER this will return the distance between the two groups centers.\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (157) 

Prox_EGroupSGroup( EGroupID egroup1, SGroupID sgroup2, ProxType checktype )

Returns the distance between an entity group and a squad group. use checktype PROX_SHORTEST, PROX_LONGEST, or PROX_CENTER.

If check is PROX_SHORTEST this will return the shortest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_LONGEST this will return the longest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_CENTER this will return the distance between the two groups centers.\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (180) 

Prox_EntitiesInProximityOfEntities( EGroupID egroup1, EGroupID egroup2, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY entities are in proximity of a given entity group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL entities are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (762) 

Prox_GetRandomPosition( Object item, Integer radius, Integer minimum )

Takes something (Entity, Squad, SGroup, EGroup, Position) in, then returns a random position

Minimum is the distance from the origin point that is guaranteed to have a return greater than Minimum is ignored if it is greater than the radius

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (776) 

Prox_MarkerEGroup( MarkerID marker, EGroupID egroup, ProxType checktype )

Returns the distance between a marker and an entity group. use checktype PROX_SHORTEST, PROX_LONGEST, or PROX_CENTER.

If check is PROX_SHORTEST this will return the shortest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_LONGEST this will return the longest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_CENTER this will return the distance between the two groups centers.\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (203) 

Prox_MarkerSGroup( MarkerID marker, SGroupID sgroup, ProxType checktype )

Returns the distance between a marker and a squad group. use checktype PROX_SHORTEST, PROX_LONGEST, or PROX_CENTER.

If check is PROX_SHORTEST this will return the shortest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_LONGEST this will return the longest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_CENTER this will return the distance between the two groups centers.\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (226) 

Prox_PlayerEntitiesInProximityOfEntities( PlayerID playerid, EGroupID egroup, Real proximity, Boolean all, EntityID exclude )

Checks if ALL or ANY players squads are in proximity of a given entity group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL entities are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (723) 

Prox_PlayerEntitiesInProximityOfPlayerSquads( PlayerID playerentities, PlayerID playersquads, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY players entities are in proximity of a given squad group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL entities are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (710) 

Prox_PlayerEntitiesInProximityOfSquads( PlayerID playerid, SGroupID sgroup, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY players entities are in proximity of a given squad group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL entities are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (671) 

Prox_PlayerSquadsInProximityOfEntities( PlayerID playerid, EGroupID egroup, Real proximity, Boolean all, SBP/Table filterlist, Integer filtertype, Boolean ignore_camouflage )

Checks if ALL or ANY players squads are in proximity of a given entity group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL squads are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (642) 

Prox_PlayerSquadsInProximityOfPlayerEntities( PlayerID playersquads, PlayerID playerentities, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY players squads are in proximity of a given players entities.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL squads are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (697) 

Prox_PlayerSquadsInProximityOfPlayerSquads( PlayerID playerid1, PlayerID playerid2, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY players squads are in proximity of a given players squads.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL squads are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (684) 

Prox_PlayerSquadsInProximityOfSquads( PlayerID playerid, SGroupID sgroup, Real proximity, Boolean all, SquadID exclude, SBP/Table filterlist, Integer filtertype, Boolean ignore_camouflage )

Checks if ALL or ANY players squads are in proximity of a given squad group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL squads are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (615) 

Prox_SGroupSGroup( SGroupID sgroup1, SGroupID sgroup2, ProxType checktype )

Returns the distance between two squad groups. use checktype PROX_SHORTEST, PROX_LONGEST, or PROX_CENTER.

If check is PROX_SHORTEST this will return the shortest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_LONGEST this will return the longest distance between the two groups.\n If check is PROX_CENTER this will return the distance between the two groups centers.\n

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (134) 

Prox_SquadsInProximityOfEntities( SGroupID sgroup, EGroupID egroup, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY squads are in proximity of a given entity group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL squads are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (749) 

Prox_SquadsInProximityOfSquads( SGroupID sgroup1, SGroupID sgroup2, Real proximity, Boolean all )

Checks if ALL or ANY squads are in proximity of a given squad group.

Set “all” to true to check that ALL squads are in proximity, or set “all” to false to check for ANY.

Source: [E:\cardinal_BuildSystem_staging\engine\assets\engine\scar\proximity.scar] (736)

thanks for the help -.- loool