Exactly. When I want to use monks to convert I want to SEE those conversions be *real conversations and not God Smite Thee! death converts. That is what made Priests in Age1 so fun, and Monks in Age2: Age of Kings fun as well.
I just feel like Heresy takes some of the fun out of Monk conversions.
Interesting idea. Could work, but I wonder if that will upset the balancing too much. As much as I think that Heresy should be removed or modified, I personally do not want the game to be turned unbalanced in a bad way.
I appreciate you two in replying to my post. Admittedly, your argument that Heresy is actually useful has swayed me in thinking that I could be wrong.
And no, I have not done ay mathematical research into how Heresy effects gameplay, so well done to you @Dagorad62 for putting in the work! Much obliged.
Now, the reason why I made this post complaining about Heresy, is because based on my own gaming experience with Monks, Monks now are not as fun as they once were in Age of Kings, back when Heresy did not exist. And it irks me that when I convert, I cannot relish the satisfaction of turning enemy units/buildings against the enemy. That has always been the unique aspect of Monks/Priests ever since Age1 was released.
On a side note: another reason why I think that Monks in Age2 have been lacking in popularity is how in the Age4 trailer, the game devs advertised mass-conversions as a new feature in Age4, which to my mind seems as if the devs are trying to “MAKE MONKS GREAT AGAIN” by buffing them in Age4.
I’m not sure how you think of the tech but I think of it as forcing the enemy to set up an inquisition which costs as much as ten monks which is pretty satisfying in its own right. At that point yeah you don’t get the conversion but you’ve figuratively forced the enemy to execute one of their own units.
That should be pretty satisfying in its own right, no?
everything in the game has counter play - that is called “balance” if you can convert 67 units of your enemy, he should have some way to counter 67 conversions. and frankly the two techs are incredibly expensive - so honestly, it takes something like 10 conversions alone to pay them.
If it is a problem (not saying it is) I think a better solution could be yo make Heresy a lot cheaper but to have a chance (instead of 100% sure) of the unit dying, or if You don’t like that randomness, to lose a fixed % of HP.
Again, i’m not saying it is a problem, but it could be interesting yo change the effect a little bit.
More often than not your opponents shouldn’t have heresy researched asap, so every game you should have plenty of time to perform conversions. And I don’t think AoE4 wants to “buff monks” (I 100% bet it’s a campaign custscene or something like that) they just wanted to show of something spectacular and monks are a staple of AoE in general anyway, so they had to show the fans AoE4 would have some wololo.