Request: Age of Empires 2005 BETA

True, pretty sad.
My big hopes were to find more about the great conquest mode…

Quizas sufrieron recortes de presupuesto quizás bruce shelley o algunos de los desarrolladores originales podrían compartir ese código y/o las ideas que no implementaron

No, probably a lot of things aren’t finished or are changed not due budgets cuts but priorites and iteration attempts that are discarded (see the Total War formation design)


What was great conquest mode?

Noone really knows.
There are only a few lines left in the code, and a part of the menu, but nothing really that could tell what it cvould have looked like…

strText.set(U("Grand Conquest is a game in which you and your allies will struggle for control over the New World against the other European powers. "));
strText.append(U("You serve in the role of both Explorer and Conqueror, sending expeditions into new territories, establishing cities, forging alliances, and marshalling your troops. "));
strText.append(U(“Your regent will have many tasks and missions for you to accomplish, and the degree to which you are successful in completing your missions will determine your success in the game.\n \n”));
strText.append(U("Eventually, this screen will serve as the setup screen for Grand Conquest, allowing you to select your civilizations, your allies, your enemies, as well as a variety of game types and victory conditions. "));
strText.append(U("For now, you will play the Spanish, and you are allied with the British. Your enemies are the French and the Russians. The entire New World has already been claimed by one of your two teams, and your goal is to "));
strText.append(U(“wrest the remaining territories from your enemy and claim them for yourself.\n \n”));
strText.append(U("The next screen is the Character Creation screen, where you can rename your explorer, and select a name for your home city. You may also select the civilization from which your explorer comes, "));
strText.append(U(“but for now we ask that you leave it as the Spanish. Once you press Next from the Character Creation screen, your game will begin.\n \n”));
strText.append(U(“Good Luck!”));

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If it has tasks and missions and allies it sounds like Historical Maps, but set in the Americas. Or maybe as Tower Defense, where you go fulfilling missions. But yes, is pretty cryptic.

Amigo eso suena epico, lastima que nunca se implemento

we have any kind of footage?

my rough guess would be that “great conquest” was a mode inspired by total war and empire at war, with other words a “dynamic” campaign where you fight for territory in a larger map and then take them in skirmishes.

im interested in knowing tho, any hidden units or factions in the files? obviously we know italians and swedes had some work done, but could be interesting if there where other hints.

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Nothing else sadly
But GQ has an online UI

Please, make a screen of the walls, what it look at wall corners?

The mod “Age of Pirates” added the old beta outpost. In the Venitian (or Orthodox I don’t remember) trading post.



It’s great to see them back in action !

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Let’s hope that one day they put in the beta outpost for some official civ…

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