Return of Rome Discussion

I forgot where they wrote it but they said they’ll put it up for preorder before the end of the month, so some time next week.
Since the Steam page will likely not be empty they will probably release a trailer to put there.

But before that, keep looking for those puzzle pieces!


I wonder if they have reworked all the campaigns from AOE DE.


I Hope. (Many characters)

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The reddit post suggest that we’re getting AoE 1 campaigns with the DLC, I wonder if they’re all included at launch or are added over time


Considering that the DLC was apparently tested in a closed Beta November already means they had half a year to refine it and port over the campaigns.
There are not that many campaigns with that many scenarios in AoE1DE.

I wonder how much they changed though. Having access to triggers is a massive difference in the way you can make Scenarios.
AoE1(DE) is very limited because it can only use victory conditions and AI scripting for it’s Scnearios and on top of that are some bugs like Gaia units you capture don’t get any upgrades so they they are missing a lot of attack and armour in Iron Age.
AoE2 can just use things like convert triggers to make more interesting ways of gaining additional troops. The usage of Gaia units is not a good mission design.

Yeah, redeisgn of AoE I DE scenarios would be cool.

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I don’t think they will remake the original campaings, it’s more likely they’ll go for completely new, high quality campaigns but less in count. If the DLC sells good, maybe there will be more in the future.

AoE1 has a very interesting and underused setting and even though I love the AoE2 campaigns, currently I’m more hyped to get my hands on the RoR ones.


The variety of biomes and wildlife would add richness to the AOE1DE campaigns and stories! Also we would love more ancient world heroes: Ramses, Cyrus, Julius C, Alexander, Han Wudi, Nebuchadnezzar, etc, etc. The possibilities are immense.
Please add hippos to the game though for Egyptian maps, also seals and tapirs.


Yeah, from i understand, it will be the 10 campaigns and the 16 civs of 1 DE…not crossplay because separate launcher…

That’s true…

Maybe in future dlcs…for now, i think will be only the original campaigns…

Yeah, you have a cronological blank between the year 1000 to 734 BCE (Rise of the Israeli Kingdom), after 612 to 405 BCE (the Persian Wars aka Thermopilae and Salamis) and finally lacks the height and decline of the Roman Empire in the II-III centuries AD (Marcomannic Wars between 166 and 180 and the Gothic Wars between 236 and 382) (after them you have the Alaric campaign in AoE 2)…

Anything for Aoe2? The rumored (Western) Romans?

That’s too…but i mean in respect about AoE 1 tab…

I don’t know guys, i’ve seen some leaked pics from the RoR and it doesn’t look good at all.

And why doesn’t it look good at all?

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It just seems they have just shoved it in there. Scaling is the same as aoe de, no different frames for houses diagonal walls looks bad etc.

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I see the same thing still it was long time ago…
Hope they really update everything.

If they add aoe1 in separate client (no crossplay) and if they just add aoe1 without refine or update the original game (except some aoe2 mechanics wall or trade…) well Im afraid no much people will play, cause it insnt that much beautiful than aoe2. (and no crossplay, you lost the community in aoe1 “niche game”)
Im afraid we will see some deception. Hope I am wrong with this feeling.
Well just wait and see, they did good things for aoe2 before, just hope this one will be good too…


at the battle of Carrhae, a 10,000 troop army of Pathians, which had just 1,000 armoured Cataphracts (9000 horse archers) defeated a 40,000 strong army of Romans by repeatably charging their line. At Crecy the French brought 8,000 heavy cavalry that were better trained and armoured than their counterparts in Carrhae and lost to an army of archers and dismounted cavalry.

The reason the later Roman empire stopped using Legions was because they didn’t preform well against the armoured lanced cavalry that the Parthian used, their shields made them a big target, their armour didn’t protect them and their small weapons couldn’t do damage to the Parthian armour.

That is why the Romans adopted the Cataphract in the first place and why later medieval kingdoms adopted the Knight. A Roman Legion would be crushed by a Medieval army, because in the medieval age, they focused around getting as many heavily armoured and well trained shock cav as possible, throughout the 9th to 12th century this tactic only failed if the Battlefield made it hard to charge. Technologies like the Bodkin arrow, the Cannon, the Arbalest and plate armour made heavy infantry viable again.


I totally agree. Let’s just hope they have updated it.

Late Roman Empire never stopped using heavy infantry. (By the way, the name ‘Legionary’ is just a modern name that the Romans use word ‘mīles’). And in medieval time, the soldiers also grab as much armor as available to equip themselves as ‘heavy’.

Well armored cavalry or cataphract didn’t doom the heavy infantry, who adopted more suitable weapons like spears and longer sword like ‘spatha’ to counter them. Even in medieval age, the so-called knight age, wars usually are not fought only between knights. Foot soldiers have a role. It is not easy to break a spearwall for a group of knights as we may think.


I hope the graphics of the various cheat units from AOE DE have been updated. They looked so out of place with their low quality models.


man this is a huge let down. im not sure how they’d make this work with AOE1 graphics in AOE2 engine unless they make an AOE1 custom zoom level only available in that mode.

this also means any existing units we’re using from AOE1 in any of the mods have to stay, which increases the file size. 24 x24

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