Onagers were characteristicaly Roman. Scorpions perhaps, too
Do we know approximately when will we know the roman civilization bonuses? or is it on release?
Probably not earlier then a week before release.
I don’t remember if the devs throw an annnouncement or it always is through leaks I don’t remember from past expansions
This DLC is different.
The Rome in AoE2 is also clearly not the focus of the DLC, it’s just a bonus.
I would say an incentive to buy the DLC as an AoE II player
I think the catapult is diferent to onagers somehow. But yes the scorpion is roman
The in game model does not distinguish them enough though.
Even odder as the onager line is mangonel upgrading into onagers, while the mangonel came later and was more of a trebuchet irl.
Catapult is Greek and adopted by the Romans. Onager is Roman. Mangonel is Chinese. Mangonel is older than Onager but ended up replacing it across the world.
Didnt know Onagers were Roman honestly. I thought they were medieval since every time I have seen thrm mentioned its as a late medieval stationary siege weapon
Either way yeah Romans shouls havebgood siege. But even if they werent a siege civ I think the carroballista is much cooler than a cavalry with aura effect imo
They were replaced by the mangonels in the 6th century, brought by the Avars.
We will probably know most things about this DLC by the end of the week.
Announced to give some creators early access to the DLC this week.
I wonder if we will get another wave of threads talking about all the details that get discovered.
I don’t think aoe2 Romans should have good siege, specially if you’re gonna make them represent only western half and not early byzantines. Not many good sieges I can remember in the late empire… Remember that they’re not supposed to be classical Rome, that’s aoe1.
I imagine late Romans as a cavalry and infantry civ, ok to mediocre siege and archers, above average dock, monks and defense, bad economy. They should have very good mid game while getting worse later to mimic the bankrupt of the west. If you add early east Romans in the representation then you could do the opposite: bad mid game and resurgence at the end to address Justinian but the cavalry and infantry focus won’t change much.
I hope this makes me want to play AOE 1 now. I never really got into it.
@Louis0108 I hope you are still counting. Your job is going to increase.
I hope you and others give AOE 1 a try. It’s a great game that will be improved a bit.
AoE1 have a Nice time períod, but this New RoR, for what we know so Far, have Just a few QoL changes. AoE1 must come to 21th century and become more like AOE2DE, with UU and techs. RoR is Aoe1De 1.5, and that is Sad. I Will buy It just for support, but i am not happy.
The problem is if you change too much then it will become AoE2 reskin. I think some things should stay so they are still different games.
Exactly. Plus what UU are some civs even going to have? Greek hoplites? Persian war elephants? Egyptian chariot archers? These iconic units are all in the game, and are buffed under the right civs.
I can’t keep up, but you are right after the release of that information we will have 1 to 2 HUNDREDTH discussions about it… most of them will be talking about the same things and most of the comments just repeat/copy from other discussions…it is going to be fun