Reworking the Burgundian Civ Bonuses

when is the last time you saw magyars used seriously in a tournament?

The obvious answer will be RBW3. But I know you don’t want me to say that since it is EW settings.

I don’t know what do you try to point though. If someone says Magyars needs buff, I feel like you will be one of the first one to say “Magyars is fine. No change is needed.” And yes they are completely fine. Whether you see them in tournaments or not.
My point is if you up Burgundians to the same level as Magyars (around 47% win rate, need to check again though), they will be fine. It is not a big deal how they reach that level - only better eco or only better military or a mix of both.
Honestly you can’t just expect all the 37 civs in every single tournament. Unless the drafting is changed. We didn’t see Magyars in HC4 but I’m optimistic we’ll see them in KOTD4. Similarly if Burgundians becomes a solid civ but still not that much frequent in tournaments, I think we should be okay with that.

Also I wanted to emphasize on this -

yeah other then rbw3 i haven’t seen them much at all in the past year. and rbw3 favors them because it lets them spring right into their great scout rush

the only thing i think magyars need is a very minor early eco boost to get them to feudal.

this is true but how often have you seen magyars at all in the past year? heck go back to NAC3 and go forward and you don’t see them much. except RBW3

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Or RBW in general. We have seen them in KOTD3. Not that much frequent though.

My point still stands though. We just can’t expect pros to use all the civs in tournaments.

I’ll be okay with that if it comes with little military nerf.

Speaking of Burgundians buff - I made my own thread and that’s a subjective opinion. Mind you comment there?