Ridiculous difficulty on FIRST mission

@qweytr24 said:
@FelineProduct79 said:
First mission i passed wuite easy, but second mission, i haven’t played for 5 minutes and they attack, 3-4 scout jump in my village kill everyone and destroy everything. 4 axeman killed only 1 or 2 scout.

I tried with my photon man army, just after begining, they allready have the army ready, cca 10-15 axe and <10 scout. How to play against that with no photon man?

You need to research small wall immediately and wall between the forest and the river to the east. After the enemy can no longer get to your base, the mission becomes very easy.

Thank you, my hoplite with little help of bowman and axeman destroy their army very fast, but still don’t seem right, AI suck

I also find the campaign AI scripts a bit out of wack. Sometimes they do silly stuff and some other times it makes it close if not downward impossible.

I cant even start the first Roman campaign at all… The AI keeps coming over and over, I barely have any time to build up anything at all, or gather the stone I need to build the towers. It is so strange.

@GenBabbage said:
I also find the campaign AI scripts a bit out of wack. Sometimes they do silly stuff and some other times it makes it close if not downward impossible.

I cant even start the first Roman campaign at all… The AI keeps coming over and over, I barely have any time to build up anything at all, or gather the stone I need to build the towers. It is so strange.

There seems to be a bit of a bug that causes the AI to behave on all difficulties like it does on hardest. That obviously makes some missions quite hard, but if you want to try it, here are some tips.

A useful trick in many campaigns is that the AI is usually less aggressive if you don’t attack them. That trick is very helpful in the first Roman mission.

  • First, set all your enemies to ally, so your units don’t attack them. Then, put plenty of vills on stone. You don’t need to gather any wood in the entire mission.
  • After you get attacked, set the diplomatic stance back to enemy, but you should have had enough time to gather plenty of stone.
  • Start building the towers and ignore the enemies.
  • Researching broad swordsman and training a few more is also helpful in repelling the enemy attacks, but if you are fast enough, you should have all the towers up before the enemy manages to kill anything that matters (i.e. the towers).

It’s important to focus on the objectives. Remember that you don’t need houses or military to beat the mission. You can let most of your base die to buy your tower builders some time.

How to beat the second hittites misson?

@FarkasMan87 said:
How to beat the second hittites misson?

That’s the hardest one I have encountered so far and it took me a few retries to get through. Here’s how I did it:

  • Get the villagers south to your starting position.
  • Right after getting the villagers run to the eastern corner of the map where there is a small orange base. You’ll find some cavalry along the way.
  • Build a TC and a granary in the middle of that enemy base, research small wall and wall off the entrance with several layers.
  • Get food by farming and get to the bronze age, then go for chariot archers. The enemy may breach your walls before you get there, but your starting army should be enough to beat the first wave. Just rewall and you should get CAs out before the enemy breaches in again.
  • Once you have a decent number of CAs the rest of the mission should be relatively straightforward.

Sometimes Ai is crushing but mostly i see how his vills gets wood from farest place nearby my base that’s stupidly easy to take them down. So far i am at 5th mission for Greek and its easy :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m doing all the campaigns on Hardest difficulty and am enjoying it so far. There should be some challenge to stimulate tactical thinking. Some of the missions can be done very easily, in a short amount of time, with proper tactical approach.

I have trouble with the 2nd Greece mission (Acropolis) on easy: 4 scouts enter the camp after 1-2 minutes and kill everybody and raise my buildings. Even if I pump out as many units as the early 400+ food allows, they always win. Looking at old walkthroughs, there is no warning about such early attacks but only suggestions about going to Bronze Age asap.

When I played the tutorial, I’ve also noticed such early attacks on easy and had to restart a few of the missions to arm up before establishing the economy.

It was a long time ago I played the original AOE but can’t remember such harsh initial rush from the enemy.
Maybe I’m just too used to casual, don’t bother me type of gameplay in later AOE’s.

@akarnokd82 said:
I have trouble with the 2nd Greece mission (Acropolis) on easy: 4 scouts enter the camp after 1-2 minutes and kill everybody and raise my buildings. Even if I pump out as many units as the early 400+ food allows, they always win. Looking at old walkthroughs, there is no warning about such early attacks but only suggestions about going to Bronze Age asap.

When I played the tutorial, I’ve also noticed such early attacks on easy and had to restart a few of the missions to arm up before establishing the economy.

It was a long time ago I played the original AOE but can’t remember such harsh initial rush from the enemy.

Maybe I’m just too used to casual, don’t bother me type of gameplay in later AOE’s.

The campaign AI is currently stuck on hardest regardless of what difficulty you choose, so that’s why the AI is so aggressive.

To win that mission you just need to immediately research small wall and wall between the forest and the river to the east.

@WilliamWololo said:

@GluurakLP said:
The AI in the Missions is just bad. I had missions where the AI send all town members in my place and then they died and the AI give up GG… in one of the LAST missions. In the Tutorial Mission with the Priest where you need to take over a catapult the Catapult just run in my Base after 20 Seconds My priest take it GG…


Here you can see the Priest thing : https://youtu.be/r8q9Lgc22nk

Yes, I also got the catapult just in the first half minute…

The AI is just ridiculous, they will doing their thing wrong. See this post to get the idea how AI could go wrong
AI: Achievement Unlocked: Build a lot of Storage Pit Near Each Other

For some reason i believe (ill have to replay this level) you could actually even on the original game gets the catapult early because even original game the AI sends it near the storage pit but not close to it but enough to spot it most of the time but not all, it even attacks you with the catapult.

@qweytr24 said:

@FarkasMan87 said:
How to beat the second hittites misson?

That’s the hardest one I have encountered so far and it took me a few retries to get through. Here’s how I did it:

  • Get the villagers south to your starting position.
  • Right after getting the villagers run to the eastern corner of the map where there is a small orange base. You’ll find some cavalry along the way.
  • Build a TC and a granary in the middle of that enemy base, research small wall and wall off the entrance with several layers.
  • Get food by farming and get to the bronze age, then go for chariot archers. The enemy may breach your walls before you get there, but your starting army should be enough to beat the first wave. Just rewall and you should get CAs out before the enemy breaches in again.
  • Once you have a decent number of CAs the rest of the mission should be relatively straightforward.

I will have to give that strategy a try later on. I really like the game, but omg! some scenarios are like a test of finding out the puzzle solution.

Land grab (renamed as ‘Claiming’ in the DE) is probably my favorite campaign scenario of AoE1, specially for its difficulty. However, I have found that both in AoE1 and in AoE DE how the AI performs varies a lot among each time you replay it.

Sometimes red is very quick to upgrade its clubman to axemen and swarms you with improved axemen (+2/+2) when you are still in Stone Age trying to gather enough food to train few Clubmen and age up.

Some other times, however, red plays bad and gets destroyed by brown (red and brown fight one other in some games and it can make things very easy or very hard for you).

I have the feeling that the AI is assigned a random personality and this is what makes it change the approach to the game every time you restart it. This, added to the fact that, as you mention, the difficulty doesn’t escalate properly (I would expect the situation that I have described on Hardest but I would not want it on Normal difficulty) makes it a problem.

Oh, and if you are interested, I can share my strategy with you:

  • Move east with your starting troops, fight the clubmen on the way, reach yellow base and kill all his villagers.

  • Build a town center slightly more east of yellow’s town center, next to the forest with the big batch of berries and the nearby gazelles.

  • Build houses and 1 barracks (later on add a second one) in a way that it walls your town center with a 90º shap. Your villagers can then gather safely from the berries and from the forest since the incoming troops from red will come from north-west and will attack the first thing they see (the houses or the barracks) instead of going around and killing your villagers.

  • Train few clubmen to fend-off red or, if you get overwhelmed, just repair the damaged buildings while your villagers gather safely inside the house walls.

  • Advance to Tool Age (you can build a dock and a couple of fishing ships to help with the food gathering if needed), improve your Clubmen to Axemen and research the attack and armor upgrades at the Storage Pit.

*Mass upgraded Axemen from 2-3 barracks until you have around 15. Mix few slingers and send the mass to red’s base. Kill villagers and destroy necessary buildings outside the range of towers. Focus down the farms for a quick win or destroy first the towers to reduce casualties. Leave few Axemen at home to kill any incoming raids from red.

NOTE: In all my trials of this scenario, brown has never attacked me and since the only farms you need to destroy are red’s you can totally ignore brown.

NOTE 2: Rarelly, brown will win you the scenario by destroying red’s farms for you. Happened to me yesterday while I was recording the scenario for Youtube.

@Sangheili said:

@WilliamWololo said:

@GluurakLP said:
The AI in the Missions is just bad. I had missions where the AI send all town members in my place and then they died and the AI give up GG… in one of the LAST missions. In the Tutorial Mission with the Priest where you need to take over a catapult the Catapult just run in my Base after 20 Seconds My priest take it GG…


Here you can see the Priest thing : https://youtu.be/r8q9Lgc22nk

Yes, I also got the catapult just in the first half minute…

The AI is just ridiculous, they will doing their thing wrong. See this post to get the idea how AI could go wrong
AI: Achievement Unlocked: Build a lot of Storage Pit Near Each Other

For some reason i believe (ill have to replay this level) you could actually even on the original game gets the catapult early because even original game the AI sends it near the storage pit but not close to it but enough to spot it most of the time but not all, it even attacks you with the catapult.

Yes, that is true, you can also look up in community wiki for this hint to see this no-cheating “home run” in action.

I played this one on moderate. Immediately create one additional priest so you can wololo some more and keep the priests healed. Put your first villagers at work on wood in the right corner. Every archer you convert you put there with them. When that catapult comes try to convert it with your priests or destroy it with some archer micro. After this you can proceed training more villagers and units and move on with the mission.

First mission Greek campaign? Yeah I had to restart twice. Third time was the charm!

Basically what I did was send everyone to the east and destroy the barracks and then the enemy town center. Meanwhile build your own and start collecting food, there is a TON of food in that arena, bushes, lots of deers and fishing. Red will appear sooner or later, yellow will defend here and there with peasants so, kill them once they get any close to your units. Use your own peasants to help with the fight. After that it should be fairly easy, iron age, archers and infantry and destroy everything in your way ^.^

Good luck!

yeah im finding the missions really difficult…

@qweytr24 said:

@FarkasMan87 said:
How to beat the second hittites misson?

That’s the hardest one I have encountered so far and it took me a few retries to get through. Here’s how I did it:

  • Get the villagers south to your starting position.
  • Right after getting the villagers run to the eastern corner of the map where there is a small orange base. You’ll find some cavalry along the way.
  • Build a TC and a granary in the middle of that enemy base, research small wall and wall off the entrance with several layers.
  • Get food by farming and get to the bronze age, then go for chariot archers. The enemy may breach your walls before you get there, but your starting army should be enough to beat the first wave. Just rewall and you should get CAs out before the enemy breaches in again.
  • Once you have a decent number of CAs the rest of the mission should be relatively straightforward.

Thank you, that worked, even if i had to take it down to standard =P

@qweytr24 said:
@FarkasMan87 said:
How to beat the second hittites misson?

That’s the hardest one I have encountered so far and it took me a few retries to get through. Here’s how I did it:

  • Get the villagers south to your starting position.
  • Right after getting the villagers run to the eastern corner of the map where there is a small orange base. You’ll find some cavalry along the way.
  • Build a TC and a granary in the middle of that enemy base, research small wall and wall off the entrance with several layers.
  • Get food by farming and get to the bronze age, then go for chariot archers. The enemy may breach your walls before you get there, but your starting army should be enough to beat the first wave. Just rewall and you should get CAs out before the enemy breaches in again.
  • Once you have a decent number of CAs the rest of the mission should be relatively straightforward.

Thanks a lot.
The eastern corner is really a good place to start the town.

Actually, this mission isn’t that hard. Your initial clubmen and 6 villagers are enough to take down red right from the start. Check out this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BCEyS6VlBk

About the 2nd hittite mission: it is hard, but not unbeatable. Just beat it on hardest on third try. The key is to wall asap.