Rise Of Ayutthaya (REMAKE)

Discuss Rise Of Ayutthaya (REMAKE)

Thank you so much for fixing the third scenario! (my alias is nfranks5123). It worked like a charm, and I was able to finish the campaign. I will mention that the fifth and final mission has a similar bug, teal resigns but the objective does not register the player as being defeated (his walls dont delete like the other two players and its stuck on 2/3 enemies defeated). Red also was very stubborn and took some “convincing” :). However, being the last scenario, I still am able to get the full campaign experience. Thank you again for making this. IMO this one was definitely your most fun and most well made. Thank you for contributing to the AOE community!

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Seems like they AI is broken

Stupid AI(both teammate and enemy) in Scenario 4
My pop is only 150, but that is OK.
The biggest problem is my ally. Sometimes I want to kill my ally, grab the resource and increase my pop to 200.
Enemy’s unit target my army rather than attack the city. Only few cavalry can led them around in circles.