RoR Egyptian campaign does not progress

Even after last patch my Egyptian campaign does not progress. When I quit game all the mission I did it are again undone and only the first mission is being done since that was done in old PUP patch. This will make finishing this campaign pretty much impossible, please fix this thing.


Hi @DapperTrout1297
Do you still have this issue after latest hotfix?
Thanks for your report :slight_smile:

Yes I do. I have tried all kind of things, but nothing works. Yesterday I even tried doing one regular aoe2 campaign and then one egyptian one with hard difficult, but egyptian one turned again back to silver which I did it in PUP with moderate.

Seems like game remembers only that one which was done in PUP when you quit the game.

I’ve just discovered I have the same issue. (Version 101.102.28520 (#94056) 12194550.) I had completed the first five scenarios the other day and it marked them as completed, but when I started up the game again just now, nothing is labelled as completed on the campaign map.

Today I decided I will do first Carthage mission and find out will this stay finished. Unfortunately when I quit the game and relauched it I found out that first mission is undone and I can’t even choose second mission because entire campaign progress reset.

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