Scenario Editor got improved

When a trigger doesn’t work you get an error message when you launch the scenario and it tells you which trigger failed (and it also prevents ALL triggers from firing).

For example, here the “At_start” trigger failed.

You can also see the paths in Resource Manager without extracting.

And you can right click and select Copy Entry Path.


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Oh that’s cool.
Surprisingly I have not gotten any errors yet.

Well I meant opening in the Resource Manager as extracting.
You are still extracting it just only in memory and not writing the extracted files to the disk.

Fair enough, I suppose. Thanks for informing me I don’t need a stringmods file for renames btw.

Interesting. Not sure what that flag does. The proto file only allows Greek Villagers to gather favor from Temples so I’m not sure what the point is of the flag. In the proto file, it’s attached to Temple, Temple of Kronos and Temple of the Gods.

Maybe it’s there to support future content.

It’s probably for animations. I think one of the preview images has laborers praying at the Guardian or Osiris. One or the other.

You can just let units play an animation.

I know, but I have no idea what’s in the mind of the developers.

I found another annoying limitation.
You can’t allow unity to build buildings that they usually can’t build.
You can add it to their construction interface and then oder the construction but they can’t build it.
That makes civ mixing a lot harder.
Luckily can add units and technologies to other buildings and it works pretty reliably.

I went and looked at the Protounit data and found out how to heal the Guardian or any other unit.
It’s the Unity Type “LogicalTypeHealed”. Kinda strange that it’s not “LogicalTypeHealeable”.

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I was surprised they didn’t go the AOE3DE route where all builder units can build everything and it’s your civ that decides which buildings are unlocked or not.

AoMR has one huge difference compared to AoE3DE it’s the unit UI is set up completely differently.

In AoE3DE building units can just build almost everything. That’s for example why there are 2 bank buildings in the game, one is for the Japanese shipment that can only be built with the wagon. If you enable banks normally for Japanese their villagers can just built them like any other villager. There is only a few buildings like Forts that are limited to Explorers.

Also the unit training interface in AoE3DE is dynamic. If you enable more Barracks units they will just be added at the end of the list.
And technologies are kinda placed below that, sometimes they don’t even line up.
Also Barracks only have the direct unit upgrades, never any other technologies.

In AoMR the exact location on the UI is part of the unit setting and you can even change that with a Trigger.

Also AoMR has the Norse where Villagers can build Ox Carts, Farms and Houses but nothing else.
To prevent them from assisting the construction of other buildings they are hardcoded to only be able to build Ox Carts, Farms and Houses.

I assume that Norse are pretty much the only reason for that behaviour.

I tested how the exact behaviour is.
A unit can only assist construction if the building is available in their grid.
The reason why Norse Villagers can’t build any buildings is because the action build only has a value for Farm, House and Ox Cart.
If you assign a rate to “Building” they can build anything you add to their grid.

So there is actually no limitation. Just assign the built speed 1 to “Building” and they work the same way as Greek villagers.

Thinking about making a Settler map where everyone starts with a flying unit that can only build Town Centres and is killed via trigger as soon as you have one Town Centre.
That way no one has to start with the wrong villagers or Norse Infantry and also no Transport ship.

I expected them to port this into Retold, hence my surprise.

Yeah, but they don’t get hotkeys when added via triggers.

Overall AOMR is a mixed bag in regards to adding stuff to a unit’s build grid or a building’s training/research grid regard. You can add them, but they will lack hotkeys, meaning they need to be manually clicked.

Didn’t you say units refuse to build buildings they normally can’t? Just standing around instead?

I thought I didn’t need to clarify that Gatherers and Dwarves would be exempt and that for the Norse it would be infantry and heroes that would have this ability instead.

If an AOE3 barracks building can handle

simply by virtue of dynamic grid then I’m sure AOM Villagers can handle fewer options with the help of a dynamic grid.

If you make a custom scenario you don’t need to have super high APM like in multiplayer.
Figuring out the AI and stuff like that are more important.

If you want to make your own competitive mode then that’s of course a limitation.

Not sure what the fix for that issue would be though. If you have the same key assigned to 2 different units that are now available in the same building you got an issue.

For gird layout hotkeys that is obviously not a problem.

When I tested it originally I didn’t set a build speed for all buildings for the Norse Villager so they refused to build anything.
But now I did and it worked.
But they only build things that are in their grid.

I wrote something stupid there.
It would not change anything if Norse villagers had a build speed defined for every building since they don’t have them in their grid anyway.
Greeks villagers can’t help building a Great Hall and Norse Infantry can’t help building an Archery Range.

Not sure what the difference is in the code but units don’t “move” into a different slot when the slot is already occupied.
I guess the main reason is that buildings do more different things at once, train units, upgrade them and research some random technologies provided by major gods.
Especially Docks are very crowded.
So they decided to avoid issues by just keeping strictly to the defined slot but they added a trigger to change that slot in case issues exist.

The fix is dynamic grids. Which again is why it’s surprising Retold lacks one.

This works in AoE3, I’ve done it by enabling both Spanish and Mexican units in the editor for a Spain player. The units simply move one slot to the right and change hotkeys to match the slot. At least with the position based hotkeys. Didn’t test it with the other hotkey setting.

But wouldn’t position based hot keys work perfectly with a none dynamic grid too?
Just make the hot key based on grid location.

I meant for when there’s slot conflicts. Like having both units be on column 0 of row 0. Etc.

Since we have train location now I don’t really mind it

It would make things easier though. You wouldn’t need to move anything around to make space for added options.

I’d really love to have the add Train and add Research triggers in AoE3DE though.

Especially with all the home city cards that are technically all technologies. It would be kinda cool to be able to add them as technologies to a building.
With the Resource Data triggers you can make them cost Resources instead of Shipments too.

Add Train is less important because most civs have the same Barracks, Stable and Artillery Foundry but some have things like War Huts or the Asians have their unique copies of the generic building (like Japanese Barracks).
In AoMR you really need Add Train because every civilisation has different buildings for most things.

I messed around with it yesterday a bit. (I attempted to use the old editor years back but, never really got too far with it. I think I did figure out bits and pieces though.) I recently made a Tower Defense Scenario. ( Still work in progress. Based on an old TD scenario someone made and I looked at years ago. Very helpful.) I do recall reading the old guide on modding so, that helped a little too.

I do admit, it does look better compared to previous versions. (Although, I think a lot of the old trigger stuff was removed/renamed. IIRC.)

Anyway, I did not play many custom scenarios on AOM but, I am curious and might look around.